Example sentences of "in [art] [adj] [noun] [conj] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 For more than a hundred years thousands of children have dug in the firm sand and paddled in the sea on the safe Swanage beach .
2 Coal-tar technology could not cope with the huge expansion in the chemical industry that took place after the Second World War .
3 The Minority Movement undeniably limited Communist influence in the Labour movement and earned the undying hostility of most trade-union officials .
4 Even here more was achieved by the " patriotic labour " men who had originated in the Labour movement and stayed in it , such as Jack Jones in West Ham .
5 Cardiff attacked gamely in the final quarter and scored a late try through Jeffreys .
6 They needed two wickets in the final over but picked up only one as Hightown held out at 110–9 .
7 St Dunstan 's emerged from the play-offs to challenge the King 's School in the final contest but had to be satisfied with the runners-up spot .
8 A book in similar vein was his edited volume Britain and the beast ( 1938 ) in which his assembled contributors reviled the symptoms of Britain in the modern age and offered a nostalgia for the past .
9 All this is then collected from their homes in the normal way and sent to be recycled .
10 but er , any thing that 's put in the spare room and left , that 's when you get wood worm
11 Hennessy watched the Rover go , following it until it was lost behind a fold in the uneven green that provided a covering for the harsh crags underneath .
12 We squatted in the grassy compound and ate sausages and beans straight from their containers — to save washing up .
13 The man said his group held 64 documents relating to IRA suspects in the Irish Republic and claimed the group had members in every police sub-division , of which the RUC has 38 .
14 Joe , who was an outstanding goalkeeper in the Irish League and had a spell of management with Ards , has been looking after Ireland 's senior badminton players since the 1978 European championships in Preston and over the years he has had an excellent working relationship with the players , motivating them and looking after their fitness .
15 Jenna pulled up in the small courtyard and sat for a moment looking at it .
16 Two nights later he woke up in the small hours and lay there coldly .
17 On the day arrangements went smoothly and we were settling ourselves on the 1220 ex Llangollen when Colin appeared in person , having done his work in the small hours and put our visit ahead of his sleep !
18 But he woke in the small hours and found her in his arms , just like that first time in the studio at Westfield Manor .
19 She stood in the small sitting-room and ran her finger along the top of a sideboard , drawing a line in the dust that had accumulated .
20 She often wondered about the note left in the art book in the small sitting-room and typed , she was sure ( and her interest in detection took her so far ) , on the same instrument that had typed the instructions sent to her .
21 He inserted the key almost furtively and stood in the small vestibule and smelt the place — floor polish mixed with the bitter scent of chrysanthemums in a blue bowl .
22 His bulk created an intimacy in the small workroom that made her wary , and the atmosphere , just for a moment , became charged , until he gave a little grimace which dispelled it .
23 Some tanned the leather in season , or boiled down hoof and horn in the great vats that stood inside the ramshackle building of the tannery itself .
24 He had served with distinction in the Great War and had been awarded the MC ; his lessons were marked by great thoroughness , and he was an early pioneer of audio-visual and Direct Method techniques of teaching French .
25 My right hon. Friend the Earl of Caithness called in the Indonesian ambassador and expressed our grave concern .
26 On the third morning , she slipped in the omnipresent mud and sprained an ankle .
27 Prior research of the target audience is important so that the message can be drafted in the appropriate register and directed along suitable channels .
28 He had spent his childhood in the Soviet Union and had studied there .
29 Moulton was appointed to command the forces in the Downs , and was the most senior serving officer in the critical weeks that followed , which saw the execution of the king and the establishment of the Commonwealth .
30 For example , if at P the parcel had no motion in the east-west direction across the planet 's surface and the planet 's axial rotation is prograde then it will pick up motion across the grid towards the east , and in moving northwards will end up for example at Q. If it were in the southern hemisphere and moved southward it would also pick up an eastwards movement .
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