Example sentences of "in [art] [noun sg] [vb mod] [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 His forecasting staff in the Treasury might have been better suited to dreaming up horoscopes , and at times officials seem to have been deliberately distorting figures for political ends .
2 The inclusion of Nicholas Ferrar in the ASB may have been clinched by the popularity within the Church of T. S. Eliot 's later works , and in particular of the poem ‘ Little Gidding ’ in his Four Quartets .
3 By mid 1994 every person in the Company should have been involved with an important and meaningful piece of TOP improvement activity .
4 During the ensuing days every Ras and chieftain in the country must have been camped in and around Addis Ababa .
5 Once the peat has gone in such places , some land may be insufficiently fertile even for growing potatoes , and the very best land in the country will have been reduced to mineral soils of only average quality .
6 If the European Court of Human Rights had confirmed the view of the Commission , changes in the law would have been called for , at least so as to allow for alteration of all relevant documentation .
7 Even before the main fast link to the tunnel , via Stratford has been built , the proposals in the Bill will have been implemented .
8 And then the person doing the raffle the person in the door should have been the same .
9 The offer of £1 , from Gold Cup sponsors TNT for the first side to score goals in the competition must have been tempting to the Reds , who more than doubled their tally for the season to date on Friday .
10 To be locked inextricably in the overhang would have been nearly as disastrous as a dismasting .
11 ‘ Those carvings in the museum must have been tossed out with the rubble when they dug this place , ’ she suggested to Benny .
12 They reckoned then that anything in the river would have been sent half way across to Norway so that put paid to that search .
13 If the island did become detached in the way he suggests , then the mountainous regions in the south would have been separated far longer than the northern parts .
14 He says that the circumstance might have existed as it did , the other events and conditions in the universe might have been as they were , and there might have been no smell .
15 If we sort of reverse things in our minds eye , and look backwards into the past history of the universe , we can come to a time where apparently all the material in the universe would have been on top of itself , that it would all have been squeezed into a point , and this moment sometimes people call the big bang , or the initial singularity .
16 Many are run by design graduates from Newcastle Polytechnic , who in the past might have been forced to move to the south-east to find a career in design .
17 The voting decisions of most Americans in the past will have been very uninformed .
18 Even the soldiers in the field must 've been thoroughly sick of all those whining pieces about Our Boys and Girls , and their mail , or the endlessly recycled nonsense about how hard it was to be a female soldier in Saudi Arabia .
19 Their own losses in the battle may have been heavy , and they possibly wished to honour their dead and provide for their salvation .
20 It was just that in the end would have been so far the other side of six weeks as to be out of sight , and she could n't stand any more writs , summonses or legal documents in long brown envelopes .
21 This hidey-hole in the house may have been cunningly and expertly contrived , but it was a bleak and dismal place for a man of thirty to live in .
22 A layer high in the sequence will have been deposited later than a lower one , and , provided there has been no disturbance , the artefacts in the higher level will be younger than those underlying .
23 We agreed and continued our tour out of the church , following the snow-covered , pebbled paths past the Chapter House , dormitory , rear dorter , monks ' kitchen , into the abbot 's garden ; the latter was enclosed by a high brick wall and carpeted by snow but in the summer must have been beautiful .
24 With hindsight it is arguable that the relationship between the panel , the coordinating committee and those in positions of authority for inservice provision in the county should have been much more precisely defined .
25 Nor , it seemed , did they even suspect the existence of Station X. After all , Bletchley was an important railway junction , and the lines gleaming in the moonlight could have been an aid to enemy reconnaissance planes and bombers .
26 Many of the specimen trees which are still in the park were almost certainly planted by Webb at the time , and the elegant arched orangery in the garden must have been built to his designs .
27 And to slip in the mud must have been the last straw .
28 Perhaps the thought of a coffee morning was too much for men ( pie and a pint in the local might have been more enticing ! ) .
29 That just shows graphically what the change in the workload would have been .
30 Significantly , some of the most illuminating comments in the book would have been excised if Hughes had pursued his task with quite the systematic rigour he commends .
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