Example sentences of "in [art] [noun] [conj] [vb past] he " in BNC.

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1 He had worked for a year in the Ukraine and said he liked the people there more than those he had met in the West - they were more open and friendly .
2 Mark looked up at the tiny speck in the stratosphere and imagined he could hear the air hostess requesting passengers to fasten their seat belts .
3 Willi glanced at him in the mirror and thought he still did n't look too good .
4 Comment was dominated by the critic Mark Steyn who kicked opera in the teeth and said he 'd take Frank Loesser in preference to Puccini any time .
5 ‘ The doctor had visited the man earlier in the day and said he would be back later that night when he thought the pneumonia would have reached its crisis . ’
6 The tension rose , and in the fighting that followed he was very lucky to get out alive .
7 I kneeled down by Ben in the mud and found he was still unconscious .
8 In the silence that followed he heard an owl hoot , and then nothing , nothing except the harsh sound of someone sobbing .
9 I had a friend who told me she fell for a boy when she woke up in the morning and realised he did n't snore .
10 ‘ David Lodge saw him last year in The Entertainer and said he was wonderful .
11 Must have seen his name in the paper and reckoned he 'd pay over the odds to get it back today . ’
12 In the weeks that followed he built up a regular round of customers and boasted that it was better than going to work , especially on cold winter mornings .
13 He bought a new radio for her though she said she did n't need it , but he wanted some evidence of what he was achieving , something in the flat that proved he was doing all right .
14 No more than an hour passed before Jean-Claude came to me in the scullery and said he would be away for a few days .
15 Then he ran out in a panic and said he was a doctor and thought I was dying .
16 The Frenchman spoke the final words in a tone that suggested he would find it disagreeable to discuss the subject further , and the senator lapsed into silence .
17 At the far end of the corridor , almost in front of the large window , at that moment filled with grey light and rain , my father 's figure could be seen frozen in a posture that suggested he was taking part in some ceremonial ritual .
18 J. F. Campbell tells of sticks with sharpened ends which had been burnt and hardened in a fire and said he had seen one of them found in a moss , and writes " They used to throw them from them , and could aim exceedingly with them , and they could drive through a man .
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