Example sentences of "in [conj] [pers pn] be [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 From this you can see that there is a major difference between our approach and the conventional science park , in that we are not undertaking speculative development , but are using what is termed internally within the University as ‘ the incremental approach ’ .
2 Continued next week with reader participation ‘ abuse bubbles ’ so you can put thing in that we are n't allowed to …
3 And in that we 're actually going to look at erm the actual what Jesus promised with erm with the coming of the Holy Spirit , and what the Holy Spirit can actually do for us .
4 There had been , albeit tenuously , a link between us in that we were both coached at one time by Scottish coach , Bill Moss , although in my case the association was a relatively fleeting one , of which , quite sensibly , he has no recollection .
5 ( b ) They are not written down in any formal sense in that they are not expressed as Acts of Parliament nor are they established by judicial precedent .
6 Associated booklets distributed with a magazine are another form of bought space , though they are a little less subtle in approach in that they are not bound into the publication and may have a different format .
7 Z% are a special type of integer variable in that they are not cleared by the statements RUN , CHAIN and CLEAR .
8 These students differ from traditional students in that they are not entering straight from school .
9 But there are differences in that they are not owned by family dynasties , are not as rigidly organized through central holding companies and do not appear to be as dominant in specific industries .
10 Furthermore they behave like words in that they are always used together in appropriate contexts and they appear to be represented as words in the mental lexicon ( Wilson , 1984 ) .
11 Both systems were termed revolutionary in that they were both expected to radically influence the financial decision-making of government .
12 An additional comment , raised during the plenary session , was that those from ethnic communities were rarely seen as a positive resource able to offer a new expertise , but that , rather , they were regarded as being doubly disadvantaged in that they were often seen as not being fluent users of English and not being part of the British culture .
13 It was also the realisation of the fundamental concept behind page description languages , in that they were originally intended to be used for creating displays rather than driving printers , and the beginning of Adobe 's attempt to create a standard for graphics systems , now known as Display PostScript .
14 Navarra is I believe unique in that it provides a politically acceptable centre such that both the Basque Country and Catalonia would not find it embarrassing to attend a summer school there , and in that it is sufficiently endowed while remaining approachable to provide an alternative to Madrid , which would I imagine present far greater bureaucratic difficulty .
15 This differs from the previous exercise in that you are not looking directly at skills , but at the theoretical knowledge you require to undertake those skills safely .
16 In that he was much influenced by contemporary historians : Kovalesky and Maurer .
17 I get a lot of enjoyment from doing it , this is the biggest we 've been involved in and we 're all having a good time .
18 Because it would , it would slide back in and it 's actually held in by muscles and ligaments , right
19 Cardwell then added : ‘ I am going to kick your head in and I am not going to stop until you are dead . ’
20 We 've been out this morning , that 's right , we got back in and I was then going to go over to Saint Mary 's church club , I wanted to go to the bank at Saint Mary 's church , and erm , back door bell goes ding ding ding ding ding and I think it 's Chris cos Chris is normally the only one , go out there and who should it be ?
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