Example sentences of "in [pron] [noun sg] [coord] [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Then I just rushed out of the pub and started runnin' , then you got in me way and knocked me over and sprained me ankle . ’
2 I sat in my pew and heard him prate on for at least an hour and a half .
3 ‘ As it happens , ’ says John , ‘ I have more respect for men like Galbraith who are at least prepared to speak their minds , than for those who smiled in my presence but protested I was ‘ not a local man ’ . ’
4 On my return I developed a pain in my chest and rang my GP .
5 I put the folder down in my lap and put my forehead on the folder .
6 ‘ Put the Bronica in my rucsac and claimed it went down with you . '
7 ‘ They 'd begun to despair of me , so one of the lecturers ’ he laughs , ‘ bunged a camera in my hand and suggested I go out and take some photos instead .
8 My only support at the time came from a Nigerian girl and a Ugandan Asian girl who were also in my class and shared my deep sense of alienation from our environment .
9 By then , I had n't got a wireless but she declared that it was an absolutely necessary thing for someone in my situation and brought me a red one , of the kind that worked on batteries thankfully , not the kind you had to carry for miles to be recharged !
10 I removed my cigarettes as he stretched his hand toward the pack , stuck one in my face and lit it .
11 That afternoon I sat in my room and unpacked my things .
12 I had just finished building a 16-track studio in my house and asked him to come and have a go on that equipment that even the very big studios did n't have .
13 Sergeant Moustaine punched me in the face , stuffed my shitty underpants in my mouth and ordered me to run around the parade ground holding my kitbag above my head .
14 ‘ The first time I held those keys , I put them in my mouth and felt my bones had turned to gold , ’ she announces .
15 ‘ Then I felt something in my mouth and spat it out .
16 I put it in my mouth and swallowed it .
17 The following morning I put the loose pieces in my bag and took them to school .
18 There was the room with the twelve iron beds in it , the nice girls , the terrible girls , the time they all got nits in their hair and had their heads shaved .
19 After the sixth time , Henry replaced the yarrow stalks in their cylinder and consulted his notes .
20 Flaubert delighted in their presence and gave them money .
21 From the very beginning Popes took a great interest in their development and encouraged them .
22 He 'd locked himself in their room and drunk himself insensible .
23 Jane Pargeter slumped down in her armchair and crossed her legs angrily .
24 To his surprise , Molly threw away the dregs of tea in her beaker and held it out for him to fill with the frothing liquor .
25 She saw the key in her door and lost her temper .
26 The tie of the white gown she had been given to wear caught in her hair and pulled it .
27 The elderly woman separated a skein of red silk from the bundle in her lap and gave it to her .
28 She sat on the edge of the bed in her dressing-gown and towelled her hair furiously .
29 Before Nicola Hammond had gone for her walk with Gunter Schmidt , she had taken all the money in her wallet and lined her bra with it .
30 An incessant internal monologue occupied her most of the morning , during which , by turns , she tried to convince herself that Fen 's effect on her was all in her imagination or berated herself for being fickle .
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