Example sentences of "in [pron] [noun] they [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Particular units who operated for long periods at a time in the jungle became so adept in their surroundings they became known as ‘ Green Ghosts ’ .
2 as if at some point in their lives they had decided that the only way to survive was to retreat to a still centre in themselves .
3 : The state can forbid persons to give evidence on subjects specified by it if at any time in their lives they have taken the Official Secrets Oath .
4 At an early stage in their expansion they came to realize the opportunities presented by overseas markets , and they established an office and works in Vienna in 1857 to serve the countries of central and eastern Europe .
5 Economists are nothing if not ingenious , however , and in their ingenuity they have done much to deflect attention away from searching investigation into the nature and operation of organised labour within individual firms and industries .
6 In order for individuals to be interested in their community they have to feel they have a say .
7 Malinowski was a prolific writer and also a uniquely gifted teacher , training , largely by the socratic method , a whole generation of brilliant disciples ; true to their master in their fashion they have created modern social anthropology with cross-fertilization from Radcliffe-Brown .
8 I mean I mean well in their house they 've got two bedrooms
9 In their protest they sought to restore some political coals to Newcastle : the Declaration of Arbroath in 1320 committed the lay and ecclesiastical nobles of Scotland to support Robert Bruce , who stood against proud Edward 's army , and sent him homeward to think again .
10 An extradition treaty was signed with Rwanda on Aug. 16 aimed at improving effectiveness in combating crime ; the treaty excluded individuals wanted for political offences , and both governments reserved the right to refuse to surrender their own citizens , in which cases they agreed to prosecute the individuals themselves .
11 When we 're using the fax facility and we get a series of policy numbers and a problem coming through to us erm that 's not so bad cos that 's being amalgamated by the branch secretaries , when it 's going back , and we do it on the same one single fax going back , they 're sitting there snipping up individual replies , you know putting individual replies into consultants ' baskets unless they photocopy the whole sheet in which case they 've got a confidentiality problem .
12 Lacking any organization and completely out of touch with the peasant masses in whose interests they sought to speak , they were easily dealt with .
13 Against the advice of their hosts , they ventured into regions of mountain and marsh that occasioned difficulties never encountered in the well-drained chalklands of the Pays de Caux , and returned with an altered view of the country in whose service they had placed themselves .
14 Three times world champion Thorpe would have been a major attraction at the Lisburn meeting , but in his absence they have signed up world championship rivals Mervyn Anstie and Gared Smith for the Toyota trophy meeting which takes place at Larchfield Estate close to Legacurry , Lisburn .
15 Everybody should know the boundaries of their own competence , where and how their activities touch on those of others , and in what circumstances they need to consult others or keep them informed .
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