Example sentences of "in [noun] the [adj] day [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I remembered arriving in Cross the previous day on the school bus noticing the universal teatime re-fuelling of hundreds of fires and stores ; fresh puffing chimneys as far as the eye could see .
2 Only sometimes in dreams the terrible days of the siege , which were like the dark foundation of the civilized life they had returned to , would return years later to visit them : then they would awake , terrified and sweating , to find themselves in white starched linen , in a comfortable bed , in peaceful England .
3 ‘ We do agree in Vestry held at the Bull Inn in Potton the 13th day of October 1812 that Roger Johnson , breeches maker of Potton , Beds. aforesaid shall farm the workhouse after the rate of 4s.6d per head old and young , to have their earnings and to employ them in any way to his advantage , to provide a sufficient quantity of good wholesome food and to have their meals hot three days in the week ( commonly called pott days ) … ’
4 Thousands of students demonstrated in Cairo the following day in protest at the death of one student in the fracas .
5 MARK Turnbull , remarkable and persevering radio reporter , was in touch the other day about his new phone-in show on BBC Radio Cleveland .
6 Mrs Pollock died in hospital the next day from multiple injuries .
7 It transpired that nothing dramatic had happened since they had left : tests on pairs of scissors at TVL headquarters were getting under way and Hugh Parnham , the third candidate for the Inside Out presenter 's job , had phoned from Scotland to say he would be back in London the next day for an interview .
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