Example sentences of "in [noun] that [det] of the " in BNC.

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1 The hon. Gentleman should bear in mind that each of the two cases to which he has referred was decided by the trial judge on the basis of medical evidence , including independent medical evidence .
2 I share my hon Friend 's appreciation of the value and importance of the large reforms proposed in the Bill of 1939 , and when I decided , as I announced on 23rd March , to appoint an Advisory Council to assist in the preparation of a programme of reforms , I certainly had it in mind that many of the proposals in that Bill — improved it may be by further consideration and fresh ideas — might find a place in such a programme .
3 Well erm erm had a word with erm who was about oh fourth in line in the erm education hierarchy in those days and erm then spoke to who was the Chief Education Officer and er , I think they were a bit erm , bit apprehensive about employing a blind typist because erm it was something that they had never had any experience of but in the end they thought it was worth a try and er especially after supporting me at the College and erm also perhaps they had in mind that many of the erm employees would be leaving if war broke out and erm , in fact by that time war had probably started
4 Will my hon. Friend the Minister bear it in mind that many of the frauds that have come to the attention of our regulating authorities were first discovered and reported to them by the American SEC ?
5 One of the great problems of this schedule would be , the definition of the amount of windfalls , bearing in mind that many of the local plans coming forward erm are about to be produced rather than have just been produced .
6 The drafter should bear in mind that many of the terms included in the standard terms will not be enforced in most transactions ; their purpose may be to deter claims from trading partners , to deter litigation , or provide a basis for a negotiated settlement .
7 However , the purchaser should bear in mind that some of the information supplied previously is historic and revised updates should be requested .
8 Before I finish I I just wonder whether I could put one point to the county and that 's whether in the absence of a strategic exceptions policy in the structure plan , they would allow the borough council to include the type of policy we 're seeking in our district wide local plan bearing in mind that some of the considerations in involved are of a strategic nature .
9 Bear in mind that most of the ‘ highways ’ leading out of medieval London were no more than bridle paths .
10 Alamena 's voice rose a full octave and increased so much in volume that many of the men seated about Christian looked their way .
11 It is clear from an examination of the Baxter proposals in depth that many of the disadvantages have not been addressed seriously .
12 I did say in fairness that most of the fault was my own .
13 Victoria was silent throughout the service and as they stood by the side of the grave where George was laid to rest beside his parents , she noticed in amazement that most of the women cried and that even her Grandad Oaks , who often appeared fierce and of whom she was a little afraid , took out a handkerchief and surreptitiously wiped his eyes .
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