Example sentences of "in [noun] [coord] [vb pp] by [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The soldiers would then be housed in barracks and funded by central government .
2 The roundabouts had galloping horses , ostriches and other animals beautifully carved in wood and painted by real craftsmen .
3 Counsel for the Crown argued that if the House of Lords so held this would mean that the foreign income of an accumulation trust administered in England and governed by English law to avoid taxation on overseas source income by the simple expedient of appointing one co-trustee resident abroad .
4 Round the rim of the broader circlet , which is about a foot in diameter , are a series of Byzantine portraits worked in enamel and separated by large rubies and sapphires .
5 The assembly of weapons into systems , spread wide in space but linked by little strings of data , typifies microchip warfare .
6 Egyptian newspapers had carried reports on Feb. 2 and 3 claiming that the security services had foiled a " sabotage attempt " by " Egyptian extremist groups " allegedly linked with the National Islamic Front in Sudan and financed by Iranian services .
7 In particular he was anxious to combat moves , initiated by the Dutch socialists in April and supported by Russian Mensheviks , for a conference of socialists from all belligerent countries in neutral Stockholm .
8 Characteristically linear in design and dominated by rhythmic movement , it conjures a world beyond time .
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