Example sentences of "in [noun] [noun prp] [coord] [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 After his retirement Simpson took over a newsagent/tobacconists shop in West Croydon and he died in March 1974 aged 69 years .
2 aha and he says I 've been to the nice wee man he says he remembers ah going round all the houses looking for somebody to do in Apple Street and he went and told what 's his name ?
3 So I went to see a man in Devonshire Place and he sent me down the road for a barium meal X-ray .
4 In January 1990 the international human rights organization , Amnesty International , issued a report which alleged that there were more than 800 political prisoners in South Korea and which claimed that the government had " deliberately disregarded " constitutional guarantees and other reforms introduced in 1987-88 designed to protect detainees from mistreatment or torture .
5 ‘ The whole journal appears to have been written in South Africa but he moved to Cape Province , and from later entries it seems he was in contact with Cecil Rhodes … ’
6 If I may take one more minute just to convey this when I was a child in South Africa and we demonstrated and the police would come you know , ready to fire ready to kill if necessary and you had to calculate how you can avoid that situation and then you try in your normal life after the demonstration to do something against the regime to organize people and so on , and then like a juggernaut the state comes and destroys all the work that you and others have done for years and you just see it as a child of what your parents and others had done .
7 He was born in South Africa and he studied at the universities of Cape Town and Cambridge , and has taught in universities in Britain , in America , in West Africa and France and Germany .
8 Returning to the kitchen she heard the sound of a horse and cart in Celtic Crescent and she went to the front door to look out .
9 He did have the ambition to do more serious work , as he had in Saint Joan and he had done in those early days in rep , but suddenly , he had got sucked into a formula that became a very comfortable rut indeed and , surprisingly for those who thought they knew him well , he did n't want to find a way out .
10 A year later , when the war had started and Gordon was already in the Navy , she 'd met this Peter in Bond Street and he 'd invited her to have a drink , reaching for her elbow .
11 There had been shelling in Casa Tampica and she had left her hair dye in the Holton Hotel .
12 In the 72nd minute , a defensive mix-up let in Wayne Wren and he slotted the ball home to put the home side ahead .
13 she came to us Paula took her up to Safeways Safeways in Carlton Colville and she said she did an enormous shop
14 She settled in Crocker Street and he visited her regularly during rehearsals of the Winter Gardens shows .
15 It was like something from a restoration comedy as he crouched in his flat in Bateman Street and they began beating down the door .
16 We got better food in the RAF than most people in wartime Britain but it did n't compare with the Darrowby fare .
17 One late afternoon in October Leithen and I climbed the hill above the stream and came in sight of the house .
18 It was in St Andrews and I saw a suit in the window of a boutique .
19 I remember once we was called out on the actual called out for actual sighting of s there was supposed to have been some activity over er Bentley so we was all called out and the assembly point was at Tolbertstead 's works in Green Lane and we assembled er in the , at Tolberstead 's and then we was sent out as search groups er from there right across Bentley .
20 Well I know the night Lindsey was smoking and she had or something but smelt the smoke on her breath and he got the belt and he gave her a belt and I lay in bed Kay and I cried
21 A gate set up by Tom Poole at the bottom of the Lime Street orchard led directly into his own garden , a small secluded area which lay at some distance behind Poole 's house in Castle Street and which –contained , beneath the shelter of a lime-tree , a jasmine-covered arbour .
22 This was used as a bacon store by Sainsbury 's , grocery wholesalers whose main warehouse was behind The Crystal Fountain in Milford Street and who ran a fleet of chain driven lorries .
23 Okay Jameson er Bookshop in George Street and we bought six newspapers tabloid , three tabloid or er three
24 Another experience was when he was praying before the crucifix in San Damiano and it seemed to him that it gave him the message , " Build my church " , which he immediately interpreted quite literally as , " Save this church from crumbling into ruins " .
25 He first met Minton in a top-floor club in Wardour Street and they became firm friends .
26 People flocked to him in County Cavan and he became famous in Ireland with saturation media coverage .
27 A spokesman for Rothmans , who have factories in Darlington and Spennymoor , said : ‘ We are a major employer in County Durham and it seemed natural to support the team as it sets off on a new challenge as a first-class county .
28 During the weeks directly afterwards he confided his distress in Keith Gregory and it established a strong bond between them .
29 Mason 's was one of the largest machine-works in North Sydney and it had a large labour force .
30 I called in Doctor Minden and he sedated the patient . ’
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