Example sentences of "in [noun] [prep] part [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The County Council had given permission for a 70 acre toxic waste dump in Ringaskiddy on part of the 1000 acres owned by the IDA — there was that threat over people 's heads .
2 The best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour and this is worth keeping in mind as part of the assessment of risk .
3 The group was announced in January as part of the DoH post-April monitoring plans .
4 It 's a report of the conference of the same name , organised by Age Concern 's ‘ Age Action ’ project in January as part of the UK programme to mark the European Year of Older People .
5 More than half of the Shipman 's Tale consists of dialogue ( 237 lines out of 434 ) , a figure that increases if we count odd lines introducing a change of speaker or place in dialogue as part of the dialogue .
6 EIGHT Ulster Junior stars will travel to Perth in Scotland as part of the Irish Schools squad in the emerging Six Nation event with England favourites to win in all six categories .
7 This group of NFL stalwarts were in Scotland as part of the World Partnership programme which has been set up to assist in the development of American football at amateur level in Europe .
8 For those who wish to buy their cars , Motability offers a finance scheme under which both new or used cars can be purchased in exchange for part of the mobility allowance .
9 Two parties were created with official approval in October 1989 [ see p. 36968 ] and registered in May as part of the government 's close management of the reintroduction of civilian political structures : the National Republican Convention ( NRC — Chief Tom Ikimi ch. ) , and the Social Democratic Party ( SDP — Baba Gana Kingibe ch . ) .
10 He said : ‘ The little girl is having her operation in May as part of the Government 's special waiting list initiative . ’
11 The so-called Weight Associative Rule Processor , Warp , is being co-developed with researchers from the University of Catania in Sicily as part of the Corimme project .
12 Position papers continued to be drafted in the State Department in 1944–45 with preference being expressed for a unified administration in Korea as part of the trusteeship rather than the creation of military zones .
13 Brisbane would already have eight players in England as part of the Aussie World Cup squad — and the rest could soon follow .
14 THE Ireland women 's hockey squad will travel to Italy for a weekend training camp in November as part of the build-up to next year 's World Cup finals in Dublin .
15 THE Ireland women 's hockey squad will travel to Italy for a weekend training camp in November as part of the build-up to next year 's World Cup finals in Dublin .
16 Chambers Harrap Publishers Ltd are in charge of part of the project — they have to gather 5 million words of unpublished written material .
17 In 1989 , Kennard was invited by the United Nations to exhibit his work at the Palais des Nations in Geneva as part of the United Nations Disarmament Week , and as a follow-up to this event , the Imperial War Museum has also mounted a show .
18 Northern Telecom Ltd signed distribution agreements with Koninklijke PTT Telecom Nederland NV and Televerket of Sweden for its Companion wireless telephone system that supports cordless phones on its PABXs : the system will be marketed in the Netherlands as Vox Cordless Companion and in Sweden as part of the Cosmos 2000 family and will be out in both countries next quarter .
19 Freed from duty in Croatia by the peace of January 1992 , federal troops were soon being redeployed in Bosnia as part of the Serb forces there , under General Radko Mladic .
20 where loss , misdelivery or damage , however sustained , is in respect of part of the Consignment , to the proportion of the sum ascertained in accordance with ( 1 ) ( a ) of this Condition which the actual value of that part of the Consignment bears to the actual value of the whole of the Consignment .
21 By his statement of claim , the plaintiff alleged that on July 6 , 1932 , the defendants by their solicitor , a Mr. Kennard , verbally agreed with him that , if he would on July 7 , 1932 , pay the £208 in cash into a bank at Eastbourne for the credit of the solicitor 's firm at the Law Courts branch of the Bank of England , that payment would satisfy all sums that he owed them and a bankruptcy notice which they had issued in respect of part of the debt would not be served on him .
22 In the 1970s in America ‘ urban renewal ’ was discredited as President Nixon unilaterally proclaimed an end to the urban crisis , in Britain as part of the grand failures of state social engineering against which Thatcherism was set .
23 I really did n't intend to join this regiment , in fact I was making efforts to rejoin the Yeomanry , who are out here [ his former regiment had landed in Algeria as part of the 6th Armoured Division in the First Army and had supported the 1st Guards Brigade in the battle for Tunis ] , but the C.O. of this regiment chose me by interview and I had to go , being only a very small cog in the wheels of war .
24 Lebanese regular troops searched for concealed weapons and tore down militia posters and slogans in Beirut as part of the Karami government 's demilitarization policy .
25 Dozens of street musicians have been gathering in Cheltenham as part of the fringe festival .
26 Copenhagen 's manager does not need to watch Linfield ; he was in Tbilisi as part of the Blues ' party and had the home match videoed .
27 Vendor shareholders may receive a right to future shares or debentures in Newco as part of the consideration for the sale of Target .
28 Texas Instruments Inc executive vice-president of the Semiconductor Group , Wally Rhines , is currently in Tokyo as part of the company 's ‘ Globalisation of management ’ efforts which involve a three-month rotation of executives through major markets to increase awareness of customer needs .
29 That would mean taking readings in homes and in streets in parts of the city worst hit by the car .
30 It did n't help when Westminster enforced successive cuts in pay as part of the public-services ' sacrifice in relation to the national economic crisis of 1931 and 1932 .
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