Example sentences of "in [noun] [noun sg] be [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The two most monetarist in inclination , Profs Minford and Congdon , both believe a buoyant increase in money supply is a necessary precursor of a recovery .
2 Any break in skin continuity is a possible site for the entry of micro-organism and needs to be treated with care to avoid infection .
3 Rockwool mineral wool in blanket form is an effective alternative to glass fibre .
4 Our competition and ‘ opposition ’ in Moose Jaw was the resident staff writer of the Regina Leader-Post who managed his paper 's local bureau .
5 During our Pre-Campaign Wave in March defence was the main issue on television , the main issue stressed by the Conservative Party , and second only to unemployment as Labour 's main issue .
6 The neutrino normally given off in beta decay is a first-generation neutrino , and called an ‘ electron neutrino ’ .
7 Political leaders said the latest killings in Natal province were a deliberate attempt to scuttle the country 's fragile democracy talks .
8 In Coronation Park is an original Newcomen ( q.v. ) atmospheric engine , which was brought here in 1963 and erected by the Newcomen Society to mark the tri-centenary of the birth of the ‘ Father of the Steam Engine ’ .
9 And in summary , Mr Chairman , ladies and gentlemen , we would suggest that the assessment of angiogenesis in bladder cancer is an important and promising er prognostic indicator and has therapeutic implications .
10 In the nineteenth century the name ‘ essential hypertension ’ was invented , meaning that in some patients a rise in blood pressure is a protective mechanism , essential in order to overcome narrowing of the arteries and force blood through them to reach vital organs .
11 The last poem to survive in manuscript form was a happy one : ‘ Birds ’ Nests ' .
12 The only other specific category where women outnumber men in council accommodation is the elderly , simply by virtue of the fact that they live longer .
13 A landmark in welfare provision was the Social Security Act ( 1935 ) .
14 In newsrooms libel is the greatest inhibition upon freedom of speech , although it also serves as a spur to accuracy and professionalism .
15 Though variation in male success may be caused principally by differences in mate or territory quality ( whereas , in polygynous species , differences in mate number are the main cause of differences in success : Bateman , 1948 ; Wade , 1979 ; Clutton-Brock et al . ,
16 In Derry housing was a scarce resource ; the city 's house-building record was dismal , even compared with other Northern Ireland towns .
17 ‘ Coherence ’ in trade policy is an elusive quality , whether or not the president takes active charge of it .
18 What the Russians want is technical help and equipment , now our own industry is in decline er yes , particularly in machine tool industry , and I think the first thing we should do is to go over there and see what it is they actually needed , what they actually need right now , er one of your previous er correspondence , er speaker turned round and said well they 've got half finished buildings and things like that , I mean er , people have got to be put to work because people in co-ordinate employment is the only source of real wealth , but the market economy is n't interested in promoting real wealth , I mean it 's only interested in what it can get out of an economy not what it gives .
19 In Hertfordshire weight was the only measurement recorded at birth .
20 The use of robots in manufacturing industry is an often-quoted example of job destruction ( or , as we might have said in a more optimistic era , job saving ) .
21 IN ITALY Christmas is the greatest feast of the year .
22 The study of wider social , economic and organisational issues in health care is a major component .
23 He points out that technological development in health care is a continuous process , and today 's " high tech " is tomorrow 's " low tech " .
24 You do in account management is a different discipline than field sales .
25 Grammar work in Project English is an enjoyable activity and makes pupils think , and learn something of how languages work .
26 Where a shift in public opinion is the public relations goal , then sophisticated research needs to be undertaken before and after the exercise to measure achievement .
27 Among the objects in Devizes Museum is an un-inscribed stone altar , a full-size silver eye from a bronze head of a cult statue and a length of iron rod sheathed in bronze , which may have been part of a sceptre .
28 A house which has been associated with such dramatic deeds might be expected to be broodingly sinister , but in fact Huntingtower is a delightful example of a castle which was progressively adapted to become a fine residence .
29 A bright new corner shop in Westbourne Grove is an essential stop-off for those short on cash but interested in modern furnishings .
30 The only significant difference between the studies in judgment task was the main effect for accident estimate .
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