Example sentences of "in [noun] [unc] [noun] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The smile contrasts , moreover , with the expression to be imagined on the face of the male lead , Patrick Standish , in Amis 's novel of 1988 , Difficulties with girls , when the cat in Patrick 's life pays him a visit .
2 The wry humour in Roman 's voice did nothing to improve Caroline 's temper .
3 To return to the shareholder example , having raised the point that it is in shareholders ' interests to ensure their returns are reasonable , it logically follows that there will be an incentive for them to spend a certain amount of time and money finding out about the firm 's activities and performance .
4 The most powerful potential weapon in Parliament 's hands remains its control over clauses enabling regulations to be made in the first place .
5 The reasons why this type of job has arisen in agencies are complex , and reflect weaknesses both in existing agency staffing and structure and in clients ' ability to brief their agencies in the right way .
6 In the burgh of Inverkeithing the effect would have been disastrous had not Captain Robert Cunningham 's money been lavishly dispensed among the councillors and magistrates , for as was to be expected , it had not been in Cunningham 's power to convince anyone in the town that he was under the protection of the Duke of Argyll .
7 In Picasso 's Horta work there had still been some reference to the earlier , simpler and more rational forms derived from tribal art , but in the paintings done on his return to Paris this aspect is completely abandoned , and in the figure work , the approach becomes once again less rational and more empirical .
8 She was going to call out to them , but something in Meredith 's face stopped her , and the next instant he had swept down the stairs with his arm about John Harbour 's shoulders and was gone .
9 A postmodernist option , which we have encountered briefly in Sukenick 's fiction and now seen in Barth 's protagonists composing their story in opposition to political forces devoted to secrecy ( to a silent plot in other words ) , is developed to extraordinarily intricate lengths in the novels of Thomas Pynchon .
10 Joe had gauged that the ‘ he ’ she referred to was the uncle and the reference to Pitman 's shorthand brought his eyes to Mick and his face ready to go into a grin ; but something in Mick 's expression checked it and he listened to him saying , ‘ She 's a bright lass , is Carrie . ’
11 We are elected by the public to do a job and we should n't be ashamed of the amount of money that we 're paid for it , and what I would say is , that no manifesto in May 's election said we were going to come here and vote for more money for members , nobody put on their leaflets , vote for me and I will raise members allowances by five percent in the coming year , I did n't and I wo n't support that , and you will argue , perhaps some of you that that 's not really what we 're doing , but it look 's like it , does n't it ?
12 Thus the development of the laws of war has consisted of an effort to maintain and affirm certain basic principles , while developing and refining their specific application to the changes in methods of warfare and the continual and horrific increase in humanity 's capacity to destroy itself .
13 There 's little in Marshall 's CV to prepare you for the way this story , awash with sentimental pitfalls , is turned into a deeply stirring , full blooded drama .
14 The photo in Conchis 's room made her look heavy-chinned , but she was n't .
15 Rarely in Rover 's history has there been a time when it has done so many things so well as now .
16 ‘ Were you going out ? ’ inquired Miss Coldharbour with her customary detachment , as though it were in Julia 's power to determine her hours of work .
17 ‘ There 's no need — ’ Sophie began , but once more the look in Helen 's eyes checked her .
18 Where in heaven 's name have you been until now ? ’
19 Where in heaven 's name have you been ?
20 ‘ How in heaven 's name do I know I do n't like Beethoven , when I ca n't remember my own name ? ’
21 Why in heaven 's name did I have to walk into this nightmare ?
22 Where in heaven 's name did you get him ? ’
23 Already he sported a blond mustache that was a passable imitation of the older man 's , and he twisted a strand or two of it between finger and thumb as he shot a comic grimace of pain in Joseph 's direction to convey his discomfort at the extravagant declaration of faith in him .
24 There are two big points in DOS 's favour to explain its enduring popularity .
25 Tim was startled but saw that the determination in Oliver 's eye belied his friendly tone .
26 Nothing in Tweed 's expression betrayed his reaction as Newman concluded .
27 Surprisingly , working in Malcolm 's shop made me feel quite at home .
28 The Spanish dance in The Nutcracker and the Yodelling Song in Ashton 's Façade gave him slightly more chance to make an individual impression , but his only leading part was in Fokine 's Carnaval , where he played Pierrot , not very memorably , sharing the role with Poole , whose interpretation was universally admired .
29 It was the perfect foil for her colouring ; she looked cool and composed and that was how she would behave tonight , despite the fact that even the thought of having to spend an evening in Nicolo 's company made her stomach clench .
30 Nobody in Sara 's family thought it would be a great deal , nobody indeed thought much about it .
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