Example sentences of "in [noun] [conj] you [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And this is a matter which must be given some weight in decision when you combine it with the other factors also which we have gone through today .
2 It was in Lucerne that you conducted what were by all accounts electrifying performances of the Honegger Symphonie liturgique , which you later recorded for Deutsche Grammophon .
3 She sets you some work to do in groups and you enjoy it .
4 Oh it was er it was about six pound in weight when you put it together anyway , and erm used to make parts for aircraft and parts for the dropping of the bombs which we called drop bars .
5 You want to put your brain in gear before you open your trap , Garry .
6 He , he , he was er more or less well off , still in , in Terrace but you know he was , they seemed to be well off and probably were .
7 So if you work on the presumption then that that position is the preferable one , bearing in mind that you know what you 're doing but you do n't know what other people are doing .
8 If you were wise at the time , you will have had a second report bound up and filed , containing every fact used , every reference studied , all the results of tests , every reason you had in mind when you drew your conclusions — and you alone will have access to these private notes .
9 I do n't think so any rate , so you know bear in mind when you choose your prizes .
10 With that in mind when you approach them , stress that this is one of your first gigs and you are going to get all your family and friends along to support you .
11 Ah yes , well you see , you see , in effect if you called her an old , that could 've been , that , that , that , that , that , that , that could 've been eh , that could 've been eh , that could 've been , you know , you could 've been given her a , that could 've of been a praise , you old cow .
12 Right so the function you 've got in brackets when you differentiate it it
13 You wo n't get a good one in England unless you bring it back yourself They 're kept too cold , or they have chemicals injected into them to delay the ripening , or something .
14 It 's a good idea because you can tell visitors things in confidence and you know they 'll keep it to themselves .
15 In the chemistry I did you seem to me to be terribly empirical , you had an inorganic substance and you had to learn absolute by heart what it did if you put it in water and you heated it and you did this that and the other .
16 ‘ There 's an amazing difference in quality when you compare them , ’ says Jo Marshall , of Phillips .
17 So what I 'm saying is , is getting a delivery if you ca n't get something there in time I mean , it may mean that you know in advance that you need something done and you can deliver in a normal working week , but maybe it 's inconvenient in a normal working week .
18 Aide says , ‘ She met you in Aspen and you told her to give you a call when she got back into town . ’
19 They you find yourself working in television and you realize you 're as much of a wanker as anyone else .
20 When you 're a kid , you meet someone who works in television and you think they must be a really great person living this incredibly interesting and exciting life .
21 The fact that your fish has doubled in size since you bought it should speak for itself .
22 I would n't live in France if you paid me .
23 Now this Act will bind six thousand of us — I am not speaking in my own interest , I am well past the age — but this Act will empty the glens of the young active men — and how can they marry if they are in barracks and camps in England , or in France if you send them there — you say you will not …
24 But my mother was n't the type that would lay in bed if you know what I mean .
25 I said no I was home sick and I in bed like you said I could n't who 's gon na turn round and say well there are Geoff there 's a hundred quid mate
26 You can borrow a single lump sum or borrow sums in stages as you need them .
27 The same is true of the health service , the more the private health educa the pri private health welfare comes in , the less chance there is of people who are , who are articulate and people who count in British society start speaking up with the rest of us and saying come on we we 've got a common interest and a common stake in this service and we want the best po for for everybody and the same will start happening in housing if you get your way .
28 Give me the right details for contacting your radio people at this end and I 'll be in touch before you know it . ’
29 This is how you should get in touch if you think you have a suitable item .
30 erm could actually do , so what we are saying here is it needs to be considered seriously in answer so you know we hope the Liberal Democrats will perhaps come in and support us on this or perhaps amend their motion and send this via the panel .
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