Example sentences of "in [noun] [conj] [adv] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And in the creation of unity , unity there 's deep concern about the status of American churches in Romania and obviously the Hungarian church in Romania is affected by that whole process so I would urge you to read that letter to remember the work of Hugh erm and to be aware of , of what the situation is in that part of the world .
2 Emily stared at them in horror but then a few bills did n't mean anything , most people hung on to their money for as long as they could , it was simply the way of businessmen .
3 For example , in Brazil , peripheral capitalist development is responsible not only for a lower level of participation of women in agriculture but also a lower level of integration of women in urban development .
4 In the mornings we were let off the chains , four of us in pairs and then the fifth and last man on his own , to use the bathroom and to exercise for maybe half an hour .
5 The wealthiest farmers were investing preferentially in sons and possibly the poorest labourers in daughters .
6 There 's a considerable saving in buying hooks in bulk but only a small percentage of anglers make use of this facility .
7 ‘ I 've chased Horan and Little on more than one occasion and have yet to get my hands on them , ’ said Gibbs , who figured in the 63–6 Welsh defeat in Brisbane and then the 38–3 World Cup loss .
8 If we bear in mind that even the normal expenses of government by this time exceeded the normal income of the crown , we shall appreciate why Edward I sought to extract from his subjects more than any previous king had attempted .
9 Some of this pollen is inevitably brushed off when a bee visits another flower , but bearing in mind that only a few grains are needed to bring about cross-fertilisation , and that a bee on a single journey may collect two million , it is clear that the price a plant pays for this transport is a very high one .
10 If you bear in mind that virtually every other product is , has been able to er , to be accommodated within GATT , it shows that the agricultural lobby is pretty damn powerful , alright , not only in this country , but throughout the world erm , to prevent that , you know , much more so than steel , coal , cars , computers , any of those industries that you might think oh , pretty powerful lobby groups , er , have n't got a patch on the farmers , but er right , okay , so those reasons may count for erm , for protectionism , er , sorry , for er , the relative de decline of er agricultural trade .
11 Bear that in mind and also an important part of communications that 's why there 's always so many problems about which is right .
12 My father said Eden should have kept the troops in Suez and only the British had moral integrity .
13 Rob Wilson 's reputation as a rod builder is unequalled in Scotland and perhaps the greatest test of his skill came in 1958 .
14 The general assumption of Gratian and his collaborators ( ironically they may well have been monks working with him in the Camaldolese monastery in Bologna and not the new secular law clerks of the future ) was that the contradictions in the early canon law were only superficial or apparent .
15 And , checking back , the Sounds review of the time ( in which journalist Rab claims that he 's had a tape since November 1980 ) provided the release with a five star rating , while NME was mildly less enthusiastic , observing that ‘ it 's an odd LP , naturally flawed and imperfect and rather stilted in places but nonetheless a worthy attempt at indisciplinary entertainment . ’
16 This requires massive investment in maintaining the habitat while the species is propagated in captivity and then a difficult and extensive period of re-introduction , re-stocking or translocation .
17 It is because there is so much potential in individuals that even the largest degree of stretch that we can put on them still leaves plenty more capacity , provided it is applied gradually , like stretching elastic ; and I believe this is a prime feature of an organization which utilizes the skills of its people .
18 Madame Bihi claims no personal interest in the money in court and accordingly the only locus standi that she can have is as a person who is entitled to represent the Republic of Somalia in this court .
19 In 1868 , when William was thirteen , his father died in China and so the widowed Harriet Smith sold the Pennyland property and moved with her family into Thurso , accepting the offer of her brother , Alexander Fraser , to take William into his home and warehouse business in Glasgow .
20 Many of Japan 's largest and most famous corporations , including Matsushita Electric , Hitachi and Nippon Steel , have reported major drops in profits while nearly a third of the country 's medium-sized companies are thought to be losing money .
21 The herd are part of the Batsford Park estate , near Moreton in Marsh and now the magnificent animals are up for sale , following the death of the former Lord Dulverton .
22 The relative tardiness of the political response to the railway question in Spain meant that the formal framework of relationships was less developed than in Britain and thus the general problem of unclear objectives was more severe .
23 The internal length of this ‘ new cathedral ’ , 357 feet , made it one of the longest churches in Britain and certainly the greatest in Scotland .
24 Most notable are Rupert Murdoch — whose News Corporation has made hugely expensive forays into satellite TV in Britain and virtually every conceivable medium in the US — and Mr John Elliott whose Elders IXL is now controlled by a private company controlled by Mr Elliott and fellow executives .
25 The gentlemen 's titles did not appear on the hand-painted signs at the foot of the staircase ; in certain other Oxford colleges such practices were countenanced ; not , Mr Bullins thought proudly , in Magdalen , which , in his opinion , was not only the most beautiful college in Oxford but also the only one of any consequence .
26 It was also weighing on Bernard 's mind that they were opening more and more shops in Europe and yet the European commercial scene was not as stable as that in the UK .
27 What matters above all is for the consultation to be a genuine exercise in communication and not an ill-conceived charade .
28 ‘ Two days in bed and then a nice relaxing holiday , ’ he reminded her .
29 It is the most beautiful covered walkway in Italy and also the first in which metal and glass were used as structural elements rather than purely , for adornment .
30 The Champ 25SE combines tube and solid state technology to bring you , it maintains , the ultimate in versatility and therefore the best of both the valve and tranny worlds .
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