Example sentences of "in [noun] [pron] have [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 in case he 's missed it .
2 Any meaningful stretch of language , of any extent , like the or in case I 've thrown it away or the s in a plural like chairs .
3 My private idea , which I hardly dare mention in case I 've got it all wrong , is that you were copying the style of some book or other to see if I would recognize it .
4 Leaving such miscommunications aside , though , it is still true to say that we search for confirmation , and I have found myself reluctant to make the telephone call or write the letter of sympathy in case I have heard it wrongly or been given the wrong information .
5 ‘ Since he appeared in pantomime he 's regarded it as his lucky costume ’
6 When in opposition it has proved it 's policies of a minimum wage , a jobs tax , social charter , support and and s er strikers charter that they would never learn .
7 Sleepless in Scotland she had walked it many times in her mind .
8 I said no , I , I would hate to offend him because it 's all so well meant being a mother in law you have to watch it .
9 I know , but I 'll put in my handbag , then we 're in town I 've got it and you wo n't
10 But in truth she 'd found it difficult to sustain her patronising English mix of prurience and pity very long .
11 A bath chair had been wheeled down to the shelter with the broken windows , and the man in charge of-it had propped it outside and was walking away .
12 She 'd collected her wedding dress , and it was n't what she wanted ; it did n't fit properly , and the woman in Drogheda who had made it had gone away on holiday , and her assistant did n't know anything about it , and was n't a seamstress , so now what the hell was she supposed to do ?
13 While living in Stornoway I had heard it occasionally but it had been the exception rather than the rule .
14 Well in fact we have discussed it erm and we have seriously considered it .
15 In fact it has followed it up with an absolutely excellent study pack which has been very widely used within the church .
16 I er in fact you 've wrapped it up in one sentence .
17 Of course you ca n't ride it up trackless slopes of heather , peat hags and boulder fields — in fact you have to carry it on your shoulder as soon as you leave any kind of track at all — but it performed brilliantly on the rocky Land-Rover track back down from the hill .
18 In fact I 've put it in that report have n't I ?
19 Edward insisted : ‘ They have accused me of damaging land owned by the DoE , but in fact I have improved it .
20 So in Switzerland you have to cover it by insurance yourself ?
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