Example sentences of "in [noun] [pron] [modal v] [adv] be " in BNC.

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1 Artemis was n't afraid of riding tall horses , only anxious in case she might still be too short in the leg to get the best out of them .
2 But Lord Justice Woolf has written that , as a result of this case , usually it is not until the application has been heard on the merits that it can be decided whether the applicant has sufficient interest , and it is rare in cases which may otherwise be meritorious for leave to be refused on the ground of lack of standing .
3 IN humility it should probably be mentioned that having overcome the first two rounds of the Darlington and District 5s and 3s knock out , feckless Falchion B have finally succumbed .
4 It is the latter 's contention that Ultimate Concern , the holy or unconditional , expresses itself in a variety of forms : in painting , which may have no religious content in the traditional sense ; in philosophy , when attempts are made to understand the nature of ultimate reality ; in ideologies which might normally be regarded as secular , such as , nationalism , socialism and humanism ; and in traditional religions .
5 In addition they must always be muzzled and leashed when taken out in public and owners , who must have third party insurance , have to take adequate precautions to stop dogs escaping .
6 Having said all this , if your home is centrally-heated , one heater , perhaps not even rated for so large a tank , should suffice , and in practice it will rarely be on , when your home heating is .
7 Such a dismissal is not automatically unfair , but in practice it will usually be so .
8 In practice you will probably be lucky if it is seen at all !
9 At a congress in Stockholm in late May 1990 , delegates from the Left Party — Communists ( Vänsterpartiet — Kommunisterne — VPK ) voted by a large majority to drop " communist " from the party name , so that in future it would simply be known as Vänsterpartiet .
10 But he was expecting a decision now , and with Angel firmly in mind there could only be one answer .
11 These are just a few examples of the types of products that can be found within the leading farm shops in Surrey who will also be exhibiting , including Secretts from Milford .
12 In Shell UK v Lostock Garage Ltd [ 1976 ] 1 WLR 1187 Lord Denning MR explained what he thought was meant by the proposition that reasonableness is to be considered at the time when the contract is made : If the terms impose a restraint which is unreasonable in the sense that it may work unfairly in circumstances which may reasonably be anticipated , the courts will refuse to enforce the restraint : but it will not hold it to be unenforceable simply because it might work unfairly in certain exceptional circumstances outside the reasonable expectation of the parties at the time of making the agreement .
13 Marianella was assassinated on 14 March 1983 , at the age of 34 , in circumstances which will never be clarified .
14 There is a major source for the history of the environment in Scotland which would perhaps be linked with other archives when the ‘ green ’ generation writes the history of the ‘ greenhouse ’ world .
15 These will consist of a combined ex-NCC Scotland and Countryside Commission for Scotland in a new Scottish natural heritage agency ; a similar combination in Wales , although at present there is no separate country identity for the Welsh Countryside Commission — just ten people in a regional office in Newtown ; and in England there will still be separate agencies of the Countryside Commission and whatever replaces the NCC .
16 It 's a great feeling when a wild animal shows you affection , but even though she was born in captivity she 'll always be a wild creature with the instincts of a killer . ’
17 Again he heard the strong Irish voice ring out — ‘ Did ye get the little bottles ? ’ — and knew that however cosy it might seem in imagination he would never be one of the party hurried through the customs to the English or Irish or Scottish College .
18 This can be seen in the example of river action : in climates with rain at all seasons erosion and deposition are almost continuous except in so far as they are varied by floods ; in areas marginal to ice sheets the short periods of summer thaw , which result in enormous increases in the discharge of meltwater streams issuing from the ice , are the significant ones ; in deserts it may well be that the isolated rainfall , occurring perhaps once every five or ten years , is of greater significance than anything else .
19 The French proposals had four key institutional ingredients : a council of government heads or foreign ministers that would meet regularly , but where decisions would be taken only by unanimous agreement ; a permanent secretariat based in Paris which would also be intergovernmental since it would be composed of ‘ senior officials of the Foreign Affairs Department of each Member State ’ ; four permanent intergovernmental committees to take care of the policy fields of foreign affairs , defence , commerce and cultural affairs ; and a European assembly whose members would be appointed by the national legislatures .
20 You will find you have access to swims you once only dreamed about and it becomes possible for you to float fish in swims which can only be fished with leger tackle from the bank .
21 This cultural expression is used both as a safety-value of light , communal entertainment in situations which might otherwise be tense , boring and/or tedious , and also as a tool of protest in itself with which to unify and cement the groups ' sense of identity and purpose .
22 Since a large whisker is in no way different from any other crystal except in size it must also be a general explanation of the strength and weakness of all brittle crystals .
23 Because of the massive surplus of dairy products in Europe there will clearly be considerable pressures for change and this most probably will be towards beef breeding .
24 After them , families with heads in occupations which would now be placed in social class II : civil servants , school teachers , accountants , and the like ( table 2.4 ) .
25 Having said that , it is possible to plant some in groups , and it is true to say that some thrive in soil which would normally be considered unsatisfactory .
26 Like Crowther , Newsom accepted the tripartite system , believing there to be different levels of natural ability in children which could best be catered for by different kinds of school .
27 The hot transmission is normal ; it is great in winter , as the car has central heating without the need of a blower fan , but in summer it can sometimes be a problem keeping the driver 's feet cool .
28 Similarly , in the case of a local authority , formal authority to make decisions will rest with the full council ; but in reality it may well be that power is in the hands of a few councillors and chief officers such that the locus of decision making may be far removed from the full council meeting .
29 In reality it can never be achieved .
30 The number of institutions in London which can reasonably be considered private banks seems to have doubled in the fifty years between 1725 and 1775 to reach fifty-two .
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