Example sentences of "in [noun] [prep] them [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 One major difficulty about these notions of prejudice and stereotype concerns the all too common assumption that individuals hold prejudiced views consistently and express them and act in accordance with them in a systematic and uncontradictory manner .
2 He says that I am in collaboration with them in a swindle against Iran .
3 There were more double doors at the end and in front of them on a tubular chair sat a uniformed constable reading the Sunday Express .
4 The Ferghana party secretary was shot and slightly wounded when he tried to address a crowd ; and 5,000 men armed with automatic rifles and pistols were reported to have stormed party and government buildings in the ancient city of Kokand ( if Izvestiya 's report was to be believed , they carried a portrait of Lenin in front of them with a message written on the back of it which called for the slaughter of all Turks and Russians and ended ‘ Long live the Islamic republic and Ayatollah Khomeini ’ ) .
5 The actual question appeared each time on the screen in front of them with a seven point scale with labels at the end points — 7=VERY WELL and 1=NOT VERY WELL .
6 If they thought he was going to stand in front of them like a naughty schoolboy , they were mistaken .
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