Example sentences of "in [noun] [prep] [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The measure was condemned by some economists as crude and ill-conceived , particularly since it threatened to wipe out the personal savings of many ordinary people : Soviet citizens were generally disinclined to place their money in accounts with the state savings bank , either because of mistrust , or because the low interest rate provided little incentive , or because it was necessary to carry a large amount of cash in case of chancing upon a scarce commodity which had suddenly come into stock in a state shop .
2 On April 19 Verdiger announced that he would after all support Labour , but on April 22 Shas , the ultra-orthodox party which had played a major role in the collapse of the coalition in March by abstaining in a vote of no-confidence , announced its absolute support for Likud .
3 A baby girl died in Norfolk after choking on a penny .
4 In addition to acting as a solvent , water may react directly with minerals through hydrolysis .
5 Its functions differ from those of English RACs in that , in addition to acting as an association of local authorities , as an examining board , and as an RAC , it also has the responsibility for promoting the Welsh language and culture in education .
6 Firstly , in addition to looking for a general description of the information available in the films , this study was concerned particularly with information which is related to risks and potential risks in the scenes .
7 A hybrid form of non-contingent cost based fee arrangement is to quote on a time basis for all work on the basis that the fee is payable whether or not the transaction completes in addition to arranging for a ‘ success fee ’ to be payable eg. a fixed amount on any completion and/or a sliding scale based on some monitor of performance .
8 clay , other than pottery , which has been deliberately subjected to heat ( e.g. walls and bases of kilns and hearths , metal-production debris such as tuyeres and furnaces , core material remaining in bronzes after casting on a clay core ) , or heated accidentally ( e.g. daub from a house burnt down in a fire )
9 The pub 's east wall was also used for playing handball , he says ‘ like squash but without the racket ; I 've seen men 's hands running in blood after playing to a final . ’
10 ‘ I 'm really keen to play again , ’ said the 40-year-old Scot , whose Ryder Cup place was put in jeopardy by crashing into a flower pot three weeks ago and badly bruising his sternum .
11 Table 7 shows the result of a t-test ( related , 1-tailed ) which shows the difference in error between pointing to a non-auditory target before and after the adaptation phase in experiment 1 .
12 On the other hand , he is in danger of slipping into a wholly cultural ( and Marxist ) determinism .
13 She had no prospect of a job and , without even a roof over her head , she was an automatic candidate for cardboard city — the community of derelicts who survive on the capital 's streets , in danger of sinking into a subculture of drugs and crime .
14 Physical geography in general , and geomorphology in particular , could be in danger of developing into a science which does not even attempt understanding of such basic mechanics and principles , partly by analogy with the decline of positivism in human geography .
15 Can I , Mr Donson and I are in danger of getting into a game of seeing who can next pick the most relevant bit out of a P P G.
16 Robyn asked coolly , aware that this was in danger of turning into a real humdinger of a slanging match — if it had n't achieved that status already !
17 The hon. Gentleman is in danger of becoming like a vulture scavenging around every incident , irrespective of the facts and of the accusations that he makes against other people .
18 Life on the island was in danger of coming to a standstill .
19 Despite these embassy warnings matters seemed in danger of coming to a head early in 1951 .
20 ‘ Our British reputation for ribbing ourselves is in danger of degenerating into an uncharacteristic meanness of spirit . ’
21 With rumours circulating that the club is in danger of folding after a century of existence following the destruction of their Normanby Road headquarters , press officer Les Crossman said : ‘ We are adamant that the club will keep going , even though we have no money .
22 If you are paying a little more for the food you should enjoy it for what it is — avoid recipes which suggest such things as stuffing breasts of chicken with Parma ham mousse , then wrapping them in smoked salmon and poaching in wine before serving with a cream sauce .
23 The men stole four and a half thousand pounds in cash before escaping in a stolen car .
24 Every veteran has a story to tell , Robin Holburn was 19 when he landed in Arnhem after parachuting from a glider .
25 One of the men charged with causing the death of five young people in a road accident has been accused in court of driving like a bullet when the crash happened .
26 In patients with TIH , the main circulating mediator is PTHrP. , In breast cancer , PTHrP may also contribute to the ability of metastases to grow in bone by acting as a local mediator .
27 James was found dead beside a railway line in Liverpool after disappearing from a shopping precinct in Bootle last month .
28 Commanding in the air , a great header of the ball and a strong tackler , Harry was the epitome of the ‘ stopper ’ centre-half and , in spite of playing for a struggling club , he was always loyal to the Palace .
29 He was fined £700 for swearing at a Cambridge University student , Marcus Wight , in April , and disciplined again in mid-August after clashing with a spectator at a Sunday League fixture .
30 Further Truman wished the dust to settle over the recognition issue in China before embarking on a Japanese treaty .
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