Example sentences of "in [noun] [verb] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 which can be thought of as a temporary , unexpected rise or fall in income ( for example , an unexpected increase in income resulting from a win at the races , or a temporary fall in income resulting from a short period of unemployment ) .
2 Members of Halton Friends of the Earth have been urging people in Runcorn to call for a public inquiry into ICI 's plan for an incinerator there .
3 Actual details are vague , but John claims that whereas every other pickup in existence suffers from a muddy , limited response , his design ( available fitted to any guitar , single-coil or humbucking , at a cost of £150 ) gives the first genuinely ‘ full range ’ sound .
4 As Sam Somerville took off from Heathrow , Dr Barnard was sitting in his laboratory in Fulham staring at a small collection of pieces of debris spread on a crisp white sheet of paper across a table-top .
5 Confusion over whether some sentences like the following are tenseless or " eternal " in part stems from a deep equivocation over the term tense .
6 As we saw , permissive trends in today 's culture are in part derived from a one-sided and shallow apprehension of Freudian ideas ; but in my view the situation has not been improved by one major distortion of Freud 's thinking of which many analysts and nearly all writers in the social sciences who have used psychoanalytic ideas have been guilty .
7 Colonic washout induced mechanical removal of intraluminal 5-ASA with a secondary disturbance in absorption resulting in a rapid decline in the serum concentrations .
8 Meiklejohn says , " Every adjective is either an explicit or an implicit predicate " , the former corresponding in his book to appearance in predicative position and the latter to attributive use ; and he goes on to show , with examples , that he takes exactly the same view as is found later in accounts given within a Chomskyan framework .
9 We will in addition work for a global ban on chemical and biological weapons and stronger controls to prevent proliferation of ballistic missiles .
10 Similarly , if we could trace back the ancestry of all the genes in existing mice , through successive replications , for the same long period , we would expect to find those genes in animals belonging to a single species .
11 The assassination of Kashmir 's leading Moslem cleric in mid-May led to a serious deterioration in the security situation in the Kashmir Valley after weeks of relative calm .
12 Romantic attitudes were natural to writers and composers of the early 19th century , but the distance between attitudinising in words based on a great dramatic notion ( Der Freischutz ) and hollow fustian ( Euryanthe ) is all-important .
13 It was a view which in essence called for a confederal or intergovernmental mould , rather closer perhaps to the British stand than to the vision of Monnet or Spaak .
14 The dividing line between foregrounding and unmotivated prominence must be drawn in principle : where it is drawn in practice depends on a coherent literary interpretation of style .
15 Where stock is taken in lieu of cash dividends it is in practice treated as a simple bonus issue and no Case V liability is considered to arise .
16 He was the fifth Richard Gough in succession to live as a small freeholder and yeoman farmer at Newton .
17 * The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds has launched a report in Brussels calling for a radical overhaul of the Common Agricultural Policy .
18 Sometimes life in Detroit seems like a grotesque farce .
19 Scottish Hydro decided to go to war , but with environmental considerations in mind opted for a psychological approach rather than the shotgun option .
20 Although para 8(a) of FRS1 refers to ss 248 and 249 CA 1985 , it does not go far enough to state properly whether the exemption does in effect apply to a small group .
21 Henry and Louis had in effect entered upon a private treaty of peace , against the wishes of many of their most powerful subjects .
22 The BFASS , let alone its more radical critics , was in effect portrayed as a late and illegitimate claimant to membership in the line of antislavery bodies .
23 Police harassment and brutality towards the Black community in Tottenham continues at a shameful level .
24 All you have to do is raise £140 in sponsorship to qualify for a free full day introductory course at one of the club 's sites around Bristol .
25 Thinking quickly , I asked the driver to take me to Clonmacnoise instead , a famous holy city that stood in ruins scattered over a sloping river bank .
26 For example , in 1981 31 per cent of households in the Federal Republic of Germany and 29 per cent in Denmark consisted of a single person ( CSO 1989 ) .
27 Each Member shall feel himself or herself in honour bound as a private individual to abstain from hostile or hurtful criticism , either of the doings of the Society or the individual Members of the same .
28 Much of the improvement in January came from a sharp and largely unexplained fall in spending by government departments .
29 It is not necessarily the case that this will have happened , nor can it be assumed that the document in question belongs to a given domain at all ( it may be some sort of hybrid , or simply too ambiguous to fit neatly in one domain ) .
30 In one case , the MoD expressed a desire that the airframe in question go to a good home .
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