Example sentences of "in [art] last few [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For travellers to the United States in the last few decades of the nineteenth century the immigrants to be seen at stations in the West , particularly in Omaha , were one of the most striking images of their visits .
2 A further aspect of the family , linking these ideas of privacy , home and self-expression , has received considerable attention in the last few decades with the growth of popular psychology manuals on how to enjoy or improve married sex and , more recently , encounter groups and sexual therapy .
3 An enormous amount of research has gone on in the last few decades into how and when settlements originated and how they have changed over time .
4 In the last few minutes of the Committee stage we had an interesting debate when the Hon. Member for Tayside , North ( Mr. Walker ) defended what had happened .
5 The House should listen to what the Minister has to say in the last few minutes of the debate .
6 Ballater , in the last few minutes of his visit , praised his performance as a pianist and the atmosphere became more cordial .
7 Finally , proceed in the last few minutes to the last two of the seven stages — IL and E.
8 From dealing in the last few chapters with the language of individuals , we now turn , in Chapter 6 , to a discussion of how language is used within Caribbean families in London .
9 It seems that he believes in destiny , is loath to prevent fate from running its inevitable course , in the last few pages of the play .
10 There could be a real dogfight for those places , with every point won in the last few matches of the season becoming vital and only Cornwall themselves totally out of the reckoning .
11 Everywhere one looked there were unaccustomed trophies on display and , when the visiting Ryder Cup team arrived at The Belfry in the last few moments of the decade , they were greeted by the sight of the Ryder , Curtis and Walker Cups , knowing that the last name on them was not that of the United States of America .
12 This only occurs if the mother has developed a primary attack in the last few weeks of pregnancy .
13 The breathtaking pace of political upheaval in Eastern Europe , the Baltic region and Transcaucasia in the last few weeks of the 1980s has naturally focused international attention on those parts of the Soviet empire lying to the west of the Ural mountains , including those countries which were allotted to Joseph Stalin 's ‘ sphere of influence ’ at the end of the Second World War .
14 ‘ This is all of Nicola 's work in the last few weeks of her life , is it ? ’
15 Any major changes in the size of groupings in the last few weeks of term could create significant problems .
16 United have shown signs of nerves in the last few weeks as the First Division title race approaches its climax .
17 In fact , we only meet this good man in the last few months of his life .
18 And she had made Paddy happy in the last few months of his life .
19 I expect Sinbad feels that as I 'm in the last few months of my final year , she 'd better pack me with as much experience as possible before I get whisked away to act staff nurse in some ward .
20 Margaret had had a paid job with the BUF in the last few months of her membership but with Joyce 's departure from the movement she had lost that as well .
21 Only in the last few months of his pontificate , before his promotion to York , did Bothe recognize the duke 's local interests by appointing ducal servants to office within the bishopric , not only at Crayke ( which lay within the duke 's sphere of influence in the forest of Galtres ) , but within County Durham itself , where Gloucester 's retainer John Redmane was made bailiff of Bishop Auckland .
22 It makes it easier for it to fall out , when a woman is pregnant , in the last few months of pregnancy she produces lots of hormones which relax the muscles in her body do n't they ?
23 Of Callejas 's new Cabinet , also sworn in on Jan. 27 , Benjamin Villanueva Tábora was Economy and Commerce Minister in 1977-79 and Finance Minister in 1981 ; Ramón Medina Luna had been a Deputy Economy Minister ; Manlio Martínez had served on a previous occasion as Planning Minister ; Col. Francisco Zepeda Andino had served as Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force ; and Rodolfo Rosales Abella of the opposition PLH had served briefly as Labour Minister in the last few months of the presidency of José Simeon Azcona .
24 Only in the last few months of his pontificate , before his promotion to York , did Bothe recognize the duke 's local interests by appointing ducal servants to office within the bishopric , not only at Crayke ( which lay within the duke 's sphere of influence in the forest of Galtres ) , but within County Durham itself , where Gloucester 's retainer John Redmane was made bailiff of Bishop Auckland .
25 ‘ I saw Everton more times in the last few months of last season than I have for a long time . ’
26 Part of the improvement stems from an upturn in the last few months of 1992 which was not evident last November , and part from an increase in North Sea oil , which is responsible for almost half the revision .
27 The press immediately took the heat off Margaret Thatcher , went for Norman Tebbit and went for Edwina Currie , and I think that was a part of the success in the build up to the last election , because at a time when the pressure really was on the Prime Minister , like it was a couple of when in the last few months of Margaret Thatcher 's leadership , that 's what happened .
28 Most of the swing to the Conservatives between the summer of 1986 and the summer of 1987 occurred during the winter of 1986–7 , and there was relatively little swing in the last few months before the election .
29 Most of the swing back to the government occurred during the winter of 1986–7 and there was relatively little swing in the last few months before the election .
30 Lafaille , a 26-years-old professional guide from Gap , has emerged in the last few years as a climber of unique all round ability .
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