Example sentences of "in [art] [noun] to be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Not a cheery little forecast you 'll agree — but remember you do n't have to stay in the jungle to be fair game .
2 ‘ The argument that in certain circumstances a similar development could take place in Germany can be heard constantly ’ , reported the SD in August 1943 , and ‘ the idea that the form of government thought in the Reich to be unshakeable could in Germany , too , suddenly be altered , is very widespread . ’
3 Section 49(1) of the SGA in general makes the passing of property a precondition for suing for the price , but s 49(2) permits an express provision of this type , provided that the price is stated in the contract to be due on a " date certain " .
4 This finally led John Hunter , the eminent surgeon , anatomist and classifier of monsters to produce a seminal paper ( An account of an extraordinary pheasant , Hunter , 1837 ) in which he proposed that differences between the sexes were of two kinds : those involving the sexual organs themselves , which were evident from birth and did not change during an individual 's lifetime ; and those that did not develop until the animal approached breeding age , such as differences in body size , plumage and in the tendency to be fat which he termed ‘ secondary ’ marks or characters of sex ( Hunter , 1837 , 1861 ) .
5 Living in both Manchester and Leeds , I am in the position to be able to put a few things straight .
6 A a at precisely the point where one one would expect them to be in the position to be able to encroach on the rich they are actually this is , this is the promotion of the rich peasant economy .
7 ‘ If you put yourself in the position to be fashionable , then six months later everyone 's going to take the piss out of you .
8 It goes on to argue that scientists do not know enough about natural fluctuations in fish populations in the wild to be able to advise on how many can safely be taken at any time .
9 Nine o'clock , a little late to get dressed and go in search of food , especially when she was n't in the mood to be sociable .
10 I imagined Marie Claire coming to England in the cold to be present at my marriage .
11 However , whether you consider flying in the UK to be expensive or reasonable depends largely upon where you view it from — the left-hand seat , the right-hand seat , or the school-owner 's Porsche .
12 In contrast , trade unions in France had too little organisational strength in the workplace to be able to inflict major economic losses on the firm and they were considered to be too ideologically radical to be permitted a higher degree of participation .
13 They would give the President the right to appoint and dismiss ministers , and to veto a parliamentary no confidence vote in the government , as well as allow a simple majority in the Sejm to be sufficient to approve legislation ( instead of the current two-thirds majority ) .
14 School-wide , to enable all staff in the school to be aware of further methods of questioning their own teaching practice and developing more appropriate or more effective means of teaching and educating the pupils .
15 I think they get fed up and I do n't think that a that language-wise they have the vocabulary in the school to be able to pluck out meaningful comments and you know , and go right across the curriculum there I think
16 To label and discuss — or suppress — this feature of the fabliaux as " obscenity " has proved in the past to be unproductive , and it is perhaps better to talk instead of " marked terms " : colloquial and familiar terms for parts of the body or basic bodily acts which are labelled to varying degrees as vulgar and indecent , and not , normally , to be admitted into serious , careful or respectable discourse .
17 It should be noted that counts of breeding pairs of this species must be made early in the year to be accurate .
18 We shall therefore take the flux density in the gap to be equal to B0 .
19 The interactionist perspective ( as it is most familiarly known ) proved in the end to be unable to incorporate all the radical demands that came to be made of it .
20 Brownlow was felt by many in the group to be typical of government sponsored community economic development initiatives in that it was unrepresentative of local people in so far as local people felt excluded from the processes that were happening , even though substantial resources were being made available through the initiative .
21 We 'll do it from one of the rooms in the corridors to be safe .
22 Mmm … only a few players Id like to see in the side to be honest .
23 At the time , Goldman had granted put options to companies controlled by Robert Maxwell and was buying heavily in the market to be able to fulfil its obligations .
24 I think it 's a good time to spend in the garden to be honest , I mean you ca n't , you ca n't , it 's not really long enough to try and do it at weekends , not if he wants to move that garage back , it 'll probably take the best part of the week to sort that out
25 Allowing small farmers in the countryside to be responsible for their own plots of land and to sell any surplus above the state quota on the free market and the encouragement of small-scale private enterprises in urban areas brought about great changes in Chinese society .
26 It is generally recognised at Community level that it is both inequitable and contrary to the objectives of a single market for certain firms in the Community to be immune from the commercial benefits and burdens of being taken over or to be able artificially to create methods to defend themselves from takeovers , while firms from other member states remain vulnerable .
27 Binns becomes the second shop in the town to be able to help the deaf .
28 I would be nice to have two clear months in the calendar to be able to lead a more settled life , but training and PR commitments make that impossible . ’
29 Do you consider the evidence in the extract to be reliable ?
30 The limit of the inquiry must be whether the magistrates have jurisdiction , supposing the facts alleged in the information to be true .
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