Example sentences of "in [art] [noun] for [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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31 Burden looked at him suspiciously , so he said with amused impatience , ‘ I do n't know , Mike , and I 'm not in the mood for this suspense stuff . ’
32 Striker Andy Clarke last night warned Norwich that Wimbledon were in the mood for another upset .
33 In that case of Appleford ( Appleford 's Case ( 1672 ) 1 Mod.Rep. 82 ) there was a mandamus brought , to restore him to his fellowship : it was returned , that by the statutes of the college , for misdemeanour they had a power to turn him out ; and that the Bishop of Winchester was visitor , and that he was turned out pro crimine enormi , and had appealed to the bishop , who confirmed the expulsion ; and the particular cause was not returned : I was of counsel for the college , and we omitted the cause in the return for that reason , because indeed it was not so true as it should have been .
34 He switched off almost sadly as Hess disappeared into the cockpit clumsily , too big in the leg for such acrobatics .
35 They feel , for example , that St Paul 's restrictions on women 's activities — in the early Christian communities to whom he was writing — are to be seen as regulations applying in all situations in the Church for all time .
36 On Fridays and other fast-days he would lock himself up in the church for many hours .
37 Nor do the wages from the plantations compensate the families left in the villages for this loss of labour .
38 You have lived on both sides of the Atlantic — you have lived in France and you have lived in the USA for many years — and now you are going back there .
39 George Shepherd , aged 24 , had been in the workhouse for some months suffering from consumption .
40 In the previous section we mentioned that the programmer using fixed-point binary format could consider the binary point to be at an appropriate position in the word for each item of data .
41 Nevertheless , the idea of a National Government had been in the air for some time before its actual formation .
42 Dr Tyrrell says the real danger of infection from a sneeze is invisible : ‘ It is not the big blobs of mucus that are the problem , it is the smaller , invisible droplets which hang around in the air for several minutes after a sneeze . ’
43 " … a guide for the medical practitioners of both tropical and temperate regions to the origins and diagnosis of infections that are tropical as opposed to being cosmopolitan , and of great value for training and teaching because it reproduces much better and more comprehensively than is possible with ordinary textbooks the appearance of specimens that will be examined … has been prepared with great care and deserves to remain one of the standard texts in the subject for many years . "
44 ‘ Best set ’ means several things , especially : absence of clashing hours , and balanced numbers in the sets for each module .
45 There is a vogue in the UK for all things Magritte at the moment — the Belgian 's work is currently the subject of an exhibition at London 's Hayward gallery — this is all we have to say : ceci | n'est pas une pipe .
46 They have been used in the UK for many years and legislation allows the addition of 5 per cent of CBE fats ( about 15 per cent of the fat phase ) , and the product can still be called chocolate .
47 A non-mandatory ratio has operated in the UK for many years .
48 The benefits of short-term machinery hire have been known in the UK for some time .
49 This aircraft has been in the UK for some time , latterly at Audley End , Essex , and before that Rochester , Kent , and Duxford , Cambs , having been recovered from the fire dump at Decimomannu , Sardinia , Italy .
50 Families such as the Hickses , who occupied the second and third tenements , remained in the Row for several generations .
51 The new system for arranging Eurobond issues is derived from the way new issues have been done in the US for many years .
52 I do n't believe that the method of selling cars with huge discounts that has been going on in the US for some time is good for the companies , and I also do n't think long term it 's good for the industrial base of the country and therefore ultimately for the customer .
53 Food irradiation was approved in the US for some uses as long ago as 1963 .
54 Being resident , Bill was a familiar sight in the bar for many years , occupying a settle which now sits forlornly outside the Ladies ' locker room entrance .
55 Tests showed the 25mm-long insect had been in the pickle for some time and environmental health officers inspected the premises .
56 I was unconscious in the water for several seconds before a rescue team arrived . ’
57 If there was a body , it 's possible that the singeing of skin and flesh might have left identifiable organic deposits on the woodwork , but the Wheel has been in the water for some time and we must n't expect much . ’
58 He 's been in the water for some time , clothing utterly soaked , whole body chilled .
59 But if he had been in the water for some time , it was unlikely that he had been killed at the spot where his body had fetched up , and equally unlikely that the weapon which killed him was there to find .
60 He had worked in the school for several years but so far neither gardai nor health board officials have contacted the school authorities about the case .
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