Example sentences of "in [adj] [noun pl] [vb -s] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Since then the condition of housing in rural areas seems on average to have reached a higher standard than that in many urban areas , even where renovation or renewal policies have been conducted .
2 For example , the solubility of noble gases in liquid hydrocarbons increases with increasing temperature .
3 The first obvious signs that infants are able to participate in social interactions comes from repetitive sequences in which adult and child take turns .
4 unc Expressing measurements in different units depends upon careful reading from the table and accurate use of decimals .
5 ‘ It is not only the economic loss of the things they have stolen from them but the fear , which in some cases leads to long-term psychological consequences which , if the victim is elderly , may never go away . ’
6 Although a beneficial financial interest in such assets remains with Scottish Enterprise as disclosed in note 1 to the accounts , they are shown in the company 's accounts in order to reflect assets under the company 's stewardship which will be developed in accordance with its business plan .
7 Ultimately , it would attempt to find its basis elsewhere — in rational proofs of the reality of God , in the ( assumed ) self-evident truth of ethical and religious principles , in the spontaneity with which religion in diverse forms arises in human communities .
8 Patterning in all systems occurs in small groups of cells , the maximum dimension of any system in which patterning is taking place does not exceed a millimetre .
9 An easy cart track heads north and in five minutes arrives at Dry Laithe Cave , commonly known as Calf Holes , where a stream coming down on the right disappears in a rash of rocks and passes into a cave under the track .
10 our research suggests that the development of strong power goals in first children arises from parental expectations .
11 However as we have already seen , there can be disadvantages for companies who rely extensively on equity finance if any fall in expected profits leads to unwelcome takeover bids .
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