Example sentences of "in [adj] [noun] of [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 He goes on to make the point that the Scots possessed advanced tastes and understanding in literature , with a Latin poetry that ‘ would have done honour to any nation ’ , but then ponders aloud — no wonder he offended them so — why ‘ men thus ingenious and inquisitive were content to live in total ignorance of the trades by which human wants are supplied , and to supply them by the grossest means .
2 As well as a build-up in output from new fields linked to pipelines , some of the platforms were able to continue normal production using in-built storage space in hollow parts of the structures to hold oil until it could be collected by tankers .
3 Professor Jim Jeffery , for example , who gave evidence for Stop Hinkley Expansion at the Hinkley C Inquiry , had by then spent over eight years in private investigations of the figures on nuclear costs produced by both the industry and government departments .
4 Once the section has been applied to premises , liquor can be supplied for consumption at a table meal ( for the meaning of " table meal , " see s.139(1) ) as an ancillary to the meal in that part of the premises set aside for meals between 12.30 p.m. and 2.30 p.m. and 6.30 pm. and 11 pm. on Sundays ( subss. ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) ) .
5 In that nursery of the images of beauty we feel indistinctly , a strange sensation beyond intellect .
6 Both viewpoints serve to highlight the deep-rootedness in cultural learning of the concepts ‘ male ’ and ‘ female ’ .
7 These changes did not lead to any change in popular perceptions of the police , partially because there were still few Sinhalese officers .
8 Particular metals are concentrated in different regions of the micro-organisms .
9 Dictionary publishers have limited fonts available and the same font may indicate different roles in different parts of the definitions ( human readers are easily able to use the definitional context to determine the function of a particular font change ) .
10 Maybe in another neck of the woods , with Jeff 's kind of cheerful , simple yet not stupid , certainty , she would make good …
11 The central character in this story of the times is a seventeen-year-old runaway from New York City , who is taken by the whole current youth philosophy and ends up in California , where she tries to locate her brother who also headed for San Francisco .
12 I want to make a limited point at this juncture , I reserve the right to come back later on , and it 's become three points as a result of the discussion we 've already had , my view on the contribution of the of the greenbelt to the York issue is n't just the setting of the city , it 's the character of the city , and that would include the central city and the historic city , and the need to limit the physical expansion and size of the urban area because of the implications inside the historic city , and that would certainly apply to other cities with greenbelts that I 'm familiar with like York , like er Oxford , which the character suffers from expansion , possibly excessive , Norwich , that considered a greenbelt , and London , if you like that did n't get its greenbelt until we had the character rather drastically altered , so I think it is n't just the setting and how you see the city from the ring road , it 's actually what happens inside the core , the second point I want to make is really for clarification perhaps , er and it relates to the question of allocations between the built up area and the inner edge of the greenbelt , as I understand it all those allocations are already er included in the Ryedale local plan , and are already therefore included in the commitments that we looked at in Ryedale , I do n't think there is a further reserve of spare opportunities that might be used either before or after two thousand and six , that 's certainly my understanding and if anybody was was taking a different view I think that should be clear , and now I come to the one point that I was actually going to raise , erm I think it 's important that in this discussion of the relations between York city and Greater York , that we get a , early on , a clear view of what the requirements are in York , not just its capacity which we 've discussed so far , and a figure of three thousand three hundred seems to be a fairly common currency , but its requirements , and I want to address a particular question to the County Council , which is in my proof , so they 've had as it were four weeks notice of it .
13 Sir Raymond Firth 's study of the conversion to Christianity in this century of the Tikopians , with their gods , their ancestor cults , and their propitiatory sacrifices , has shown how interested these Pacific islanders were to discuss a kind of theology of god-power .
14 I have omitted much in this survey of the centuries .
15 In this context of the numbers of men , the use of weapons and the multiple attacks , it would be unlikely that a conviction would not have occurred , even without the racial theme .
16 I got a room in the inn , and despite the windiness of the house and the army of earwigs that people it , I was very snug : a friend who has been there in winter gives amusing particulars regarding the draughts that are vocal as well as felt in this palace of the winds ; he found it necessary to nail up his bed-room windows with many plies of blanket , and thus to allow day and night to glide unnoted past , for all was dark — yet were not the breathings of the winds hushed !
17 Possible tests of success in this facet of the changes is whether non-executives are clear about their contribution and whether decisions are more than the sum of executive preferences .
18 Examination in this connection of the provisions of regulations 143 to 147 of the Regulations of 1989 , which reproduce identical provisions in the Legal Aid ( General ) Regulations 1980 ( S.I .
19 Once upon a time the only crime in this neck of the woods was domestic .
20 ‘ You have n't been in this neck of the woods for years , and I doubt if in all her life she 's been further than Blackpool . ’
21 One of them made a stand for repeal of the Corn Laws , which must have taken some guts in this neck of the woods . ’
22 Few punches were pulled in this war of the unions .
23 er , we have in the East end of the village , including the pub , the farm , and various other properties , a certain type of properties that elevation , a certain sympathetic er amenity , and these buildings , I I heard the word mentioned earlier , I live in the country , I could live in the town , it does n't matter where I live , but these are not the sort of properties , in my opinion , that should be put on this particular site , er and they 're they 're totally , all our own elevations and plans of height , and they are totally and utterly out of proportion and out of scale with the present day entrance to the village , and whilst we 're not talking totally and utterly about looks , if you come down into the village they are going to be totally over powering , particularly in the , in the actual , in this situation of no hedges and that kind of thing ,
24 In Hewitt ( 1986 ) we have an account in some detail of the processes by which white children acquire Creole by socialisation with black peers , but so far there have been no studies which have focused on how the black children acquire Creole in the first place .
25 The assessment in some places of the incomes head tenants received from subletting , while a valuable addition in itself , serves also to confuse the issue , as also do sporadic attempts to assign a value to the unexpired term of a lease .
26 First , there seems to be a shift in some people of the outlets for achievement .
27 From time immemorial children have raised playthings , particularly dolls , to a place in their lives not unlike the place that ‘ gods ’ occupy in some aspects of the lives of adults .
28 And that 's a fault in some ways of the teachers .
29 The three of them were involved in some game of the sexes in which she had no part .
30 He suggests breaking the school-higher education continuum in some parts of the systems and following the model of the German Fachochschulen and focusing on the nature of student learning and the conditions necessary for its achievement .
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