Example sentences of "a [adj] [noun sg] [was/were] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But Mr Stoller says the launch of a health-related range was in hand to take advantage of another fast growing market .
2 A cellular telephone was in operation on a Boeing 727 when the flight director vertical bar and localiser course deviation indicator moved to the left .
3 And a bloody car was in front like that .
4 In another , a regional co-ordinator was in post , while a district mental health manager took responsibility for the training required .
5 It seemed yesterday that the conflicting ideas would be sorted out by President Mobutu , and that a political settlement was in sight .
6 A few miles down the road , at the village of Sesfontein , a political rally was under way .
7 To a politician the ability to do this kind of service was vital , and it was even more urgent if a political contest was in progress , lest the opposition perform the service .
8 Twenty-two years on , a social worker was on duty with a new colleague .
9 Meanwhile in 1946 – 47 a lively debate was in progress in London with respect to British policy in the Middle East .
10 Our house was close to Hadrian 's Wall and a favourite outing was to Whinshields Crag , the highest point .
11 A favourite quote was from County Securities : ‘ We got to the stage in our institutional room where headhunters came on the phone so often we put them over the loudhailer because it was such a huge joke . ’
12 Over each , now , a wooden shelter was in place , already bleached by the sun .
13 The decision followed analysis of the national debate on the draft constitution [ see p. 37560 ] , which showed that a sizeable minority were in favour of such a system .
14 Suharto 's advancement of a pro-democratic line was in part a response to pressure from sections of the armed forces ( ABRI ) .
15 And at one point hundreds of pigs in a nearby building were in danger of being roasted alive .
16 During one of his European tours he arrived at a prison in the Savoy where a full-scale riot was in progress and two warders had already been killed .
17 A MAN charged with murdering the licensee of a public house was on bail for an alleged attack on her , a court was told yesterday .
18 Even the highly cosmopolitan and very trendy audiences of New York City did not know quite what to say about it ; a typical reaction was from May Okon , of the New York Sunday News who wrote : ‘ Jack Nicholson 's Drive , He Said is how it read on the marquee of the Third Avenue movie house .
19 A similar distinction was in fact proposed in argument in the Bromley case ; the difficulty of maintaining the division led Lord Diplock himself and Lord Scarman to forego reliance upon it .
20 In northern France a similar process was at work .
21 If the weapons for a retaliatory strike were to hand , then it was ‘ damned high time ’ to hit back .
22 We found ourselves in a hall where a masked ball was in progress .
23 The area I covered as a national organizer was from Berwick to Stirling and everything in between .
24 Surely any woman would have reacted the same way on discovering a supposed admirer was in reality only after her possessions ?
25 As events were to demonstrate , eleven parliamentary seats or a difference of twenty-two votes in a parliamentary division were at stake .
26 Mind you , if you saw the state of his shirts , you might agree that a little mollycoddling was in order .
27 A long day was in store .
28 For the first time since the Southern League Championship of 1909 a major honour was within reach .
29 On the following day , a sprinkling of ash fell over a wide area , and a great column of steam was seen rising above Krakatoa , leaving no doubt that a major eruption was under way .
30 Being a little-known outsider was in fact an advantage in the post-Watergate period , and the result was a narrow victory for Cater , who polled 48.8 million votes to Ford 's 39.1 million .
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