Example sentences of "a [adj] [noun sg] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was a tranquil picture the green field ; the far woods ; above , a blue sky dappled with little fleecy clouds .
2 A man who drove a stolen car the wrong way along a motorway near Bristol was killed when he crashed into another car .
3 But she could not lose her anxiety and , finding a guilty conscience the very devil to live with , she returned to her hotel hoping that she would never again be called upon to impersonate her sister .
4 So there I was , muttering in a low grumble and torpidly flipping through the pages , shoulders up , head down — when to the sound of a loud handclap the splayed centre-spread was violently dashed from my grip .
5 By a strange coincidence the first ditching I heard about was in No 77 Squadron in the early months of the war .
6 But in a strange way the desperate state of the house opened up its history and construction to our eyes : in an eighteenth-century building everything is usually concealed behind plasterwork .
7 When the Left want to take control of a particular constituency , they look at its controlling group and note that over a six-month period the maximum number of people attending the decision-making meetings is never more than ( say ) twenty-seven .
8 This is very obvious in the Portrait of Gertrude Stein , where in a three-quarter view the far side of the mouth is almost duplicated , while the disparity between the eyes further accentuates the sense of breadth .
9 Railway bills were utilitarian but this was a different matter the thin end of a wedge that placed aesthetic and sentimental considerations above the rights of property .
10 But I class Sendero Luminoso as a terrorist organization rather than a liberation movement , which is only capable of reproducing in a different form the structural violence which destroys peasant organizations and delivers death threats .
11 A rapid and widescale communication network is thus provided , and good chants can be taken over from one set of fans and used against a different set the following week .
12 As reported , in a revelatory mood the other day , Sun chief executive Scott McNealy confided to Wall Street analysts that Sun has seven Sparc chip projects in development : only trouble with that insight is that there are actually nine .
13 The goalkeeper 's he 's committed the cardinal error by picking up the er the back pass , oh he 's given a free kick the other way .
14 That lady successfully went into a glass-fronted lift the next week armed with instructions on relaxation , deep breathing , and an index card with positive self-statements in her pocket .
15 Just take a careful look the next time you are out shopping ; how many people look happy ?
16 In such a direct contest the limiting distance within which the more massive body disrupts the other is called the Roche-limit after Edouard Albert Roche ( 1820–1883 ) , the French scientist .
17 The aim in this book is to consider the legal and economic dimensions of the regulatory technique known as the Chinese Wall , and to a lesser extent the regulatory context within which the device operates .
18 In windy conditions , the glider will climb higher if the launching speeds are on the slow side , whereas on a calm day the best speed is closer to the limit shown on the placard .
19 This is a phospholipase C and what the phospholipase C does , when it 's activated by the agonist , is it splits a membrane phospholipid phosphotadylinositol four five bisphosphate into two components , a water soluble component inositol and a lipidic component the lipidic residue diacylglycerol .
20 They have all introduced a discount scheme to enable those unfortunate enough not to have a job not to have a proper job the same access to all these facilities as those in work .
21 Wilson and I had n't had a proper meal the whole time and now my stomach was beginning to remind me there were other things in life besides Scotch and bourbon .
22 If you 're planning a risky aerial attack with a high-ranking character the Healing Potion might be a good idea .
23 He knew beforehand that on April 8 the Royal Navy were to mine the fjords off Narvik , in neutral Norway 's territorial waters , and he was one of the first to learn of Germany 's devastating response , a full-scale invasion the next day .
24 There had been a light snowfall the previous night but it looked as if someone else had been here , visited the witch then gone back to the line of trees , covering their tracks by using a switch of old branches so no imprint could be seen .
25 The DPP boycotted the Assembly session on April 15 , a decision described by President Lee in a public speech the next day as " very regrettable " .
26 The other dealt with weights and seesaws , but forget that balance on a seesaw is governed by weight multiplied by distance from the pivot : in fact for a rigid body the entire weight might as well be concentrated at the body 's centre of gravity , so there 's no way of discriminating head weight from body weight like this .
27 The news agency Interfax reported on July 5 that at a joint meeting the two opposition movements , Birlik and Erk , had decided on joint action , acknowledging that the differences in approach between them since Erk 's split from Birlik in late 1989 had played into the hands of the government .
28 For one thing , there were some headings of a still wider generality : for instance , " Art in the service of the will " , where the orientation towards Schopenhauer points , if not away from Greece , at least past Greece ; and in a separate note the whole plan was subtitled , without reference to Greece , " A contribution to the philosophy of history " .
29 In a separate move the Chinese premier , Li Peng , who attacked Mr Patten earlier , returned to the fray , saying China did not want confrontation with Britain but the UK was putting ‘ obstacles ’ in the way of talks to try and defuse the row .
30 After more than a hundred years of the recognition of industrial picketing as a democratic mechanism the official Code of Practice issued by the Department of Employment says : ‘ There is no legal ‘ right to picket ’ as such but peaceful picketing has long been recognised as lawful . ’
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