Example sentences of "a [adj] [noun] of the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The façade is squat and heavy — the architect deliberately lowered it to allow a frontal view of the octagonal tiborium that surmounts the cupola — but it is difficult not to admire the effort that must have gone into it .
2 The vamp was soon turning into a lady again though , and by the third song , a moody version of the classic Little Anthony and the Imperials hit ‘ Tears On My Pillow ’ , the audience was seeing a sophisticated side to Kylie too .
3 This speaker , a deaf teacher of the deaf who had worked for many years in the Department of Education of the Deaf at Manchester University , had been a committed " oralist " .
4 The final set of arguments emphasises the limited leadership qualities and organisational deficiencies that have been a historic feature of the extreme right in Great Britain .
5 A pleasant watercolour of the Scottish highland town of Callander painted by Stevenson adds another note of interest .
6 Long-established as a rich source of the unique G.L.A. ( Gamma Linolenic Acid ) , which contributes to the health of the blood and the condition of the skin , this Evening Primrose Oil is supplemented with Regina 's fresh Royal Jelly to provide a unique new formulation .
7 The industrial north of Italy , in turn , has depended heavily on a reserve army of the unemployed from the south — the more backward Mezzogiorno — and now increasingly from North Africa .
8 He conducted a retrospective survey of the professional status of the first-degree relatives of psychiatric patients admitted to hospital in his native Iceland between the years 1851 and 1940 .
9 A retrospective study of the clinical and endoscopic features of low grade gastric lymphomas of mucosa associated lymphoid tissue ( MALT ) in 16 patients together with treatment and outcome was undertaken .
10 Figure 6.8 is a diagrammatic representation of the hydrological cycle .
11 It appeared to be some disturbance of the atmosphere , a puckering slash of the ethereal epidermis itself .
12 It was thought that Iraq had chosen to respond to the appeal from a friendly leader of the Non-aligned Movement , rather than be seen as giving in to Western pressure .
13 In most cases the clause will operate by postulating a hypothetical letting of the demised property in the open market .
14 The test is whether a hypothetical by-stander of the requisite firmness would suffer such fear .
15 If Douglas 's brutality epitomizes racial , cultural , and sexual domination in its most callously direct form , Gide 's self-description of remaining in the security of his room , considering it wiser not to intervene , becomes a resonant image of the hesitant complicities which most kinds of brutality and exploitation presuppose and in which most of us are implicated .
16 Thus a precise estimate of the average height of adult males in this country can be made on the basis of a representative sample of the total population of adult males .
17 It was Jack Clayton , a director trained in the traditional film industry , who persuaded Romulus Films to finance a version of John Braine 's Room at the Top , a representative sample of the disillusioned provincial novel .
18 I was therefore seen as a representative person of the Methodist people .
19 Try the Finale ( track 3 ) for a representative example of the dazzling but highly intelligent pianism on offer here , as well as the impressive orchestral contribution .
20 Accordingly a Lopatin calculation is presented for a representative area of the Sole Pit Basin in Quadrant 48 ( Fig. 6 ) .
21 We believe there is danger in giving too much weight to the need to establish a representative catalogue of the full range of habitat types found in Wales .
22 While the arable area has increased at the expense of ornithologically more interesting permanent grassland , there has been a simultaneous reduction of the one-year ley , usually clover , within the arable system , combined with an increasing use of herbicides .
23 Palato-Alveolar Sounds which have alveolar articulation together with a simultaneous raising of the main body of the tongue towards the roof of the mouth , eg/S/ .
24 That the two City teams were housed together reinforced , even if it did not fully explain , the notable enthusiasm for a purist model of the developmental ideal within these teams .
25 The immediate reason for the outbreak of war was the French king 's confiscation of the Duchy of Aquitaine on the ground that Edward was harbouring Robert of Artois , a rebellious vassal of the French king who had fled to England in 1336 after being condemned as a traitor .
26 Two other factors seem to have played a part in bringing about a subtle transformation of the Arnoldian message .
27 Different patients vary in their response to different therapies — possibly a subtle effect of the inherited background — and no therapy has yet been devised which will suit everyone .
28 He was later to become suspicious of Maine 's motives , however , as he was to see in the glorification of contract a subtle justification of the legal institutions of capitalism , and he was to seen in Maine 's insistence on the primacy of the monogamous family an attempt to prove that this institution was beyond historical change .
29 Thus with perceptual verbs in the passive , the to infinitive involves a subtle shifting of the perceptual verb into the conceptual field with the consequent evocation of an inference and not just something directly perceived .
30 The decision was taken by voice acclamation at a private session of the Democratic representatives .
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