Example sentences of "a [noun sg] of [noun] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , since the mid-1970s for a variety of reasons the content of this ‘ citizenship of entitlement ’ has been reduced .
2 The evaluators conclude that while the evaluation has shown how INSET and staff development can be enriched by a project like the Essex scheme , for a variety of reasons the development of this area has been disappointing .
3 For a variety of reasons the rule is often breached , but there would be no excuse for missing the deadline with a report which had taken so long to prepare .
4 By the late 1970s , the average self-respecting British household expected to have its video recorder or microwave oven ; in a variety of occupations the computer was taking over .
5 Hence , when selecting a parser it is vital to determine how wide a variety of grammar the parser is able to process and how easily it can be extended to a larger domain .
6 A few rocks showed in the water close in to the quarry face and there was a crescent of sand the meadow side of the water with two giant pines shading the right corner .
7 Well I think it 's going to be a case of phone the council and ask them
8 Not a bit of wonder the country 's in the state that it 's in . ’
9 With a bit of luck the passage would be empty .
10 Rather when Carla comes back Monday you 've got to tape the with a bit of wood the window just outside the door because the bolt is on the same side .
11 After that we never got started , as soon as we got a bit of momentum the sunderland players wasted time by falling over and claiming injury .
12 Mucky hands and a fat bank balance would be a way of life for the first generation of nouveaux-riches manufacturers ; but with a bit of care the brass itself could be used to buy their children out of the world of muck altogether .
13 She never dropped out of University and she always worked ( when no-one was looking ) , but she never really felt a part of the University itself , so much as a part of Bristol the city .
14 As far as their usefulness as a measure of performance the conclusion that should be reached is that none is superior as we can only measure performance by comparison .
15 In the absence of a Ministry of Justice the Home Office has acquired its responsibilities for criminal justice piecemeal over many years .
16 ( 5 ) Where under a contract of sale the transfer of the property in the goods is to take place at a future time or subject to some condition later to be fulfilled the contract is called an agreement to sell .
17 ( 4 ) Where under a contract of sale the property in the goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer the contract is called a sale .
18 The council says it will continue to assess Steven and Jason 's needs , and it has n't ruled out a change of school.Meanwhile the argument over what 's best for the youngsters goes on .
19 Cameron now expected a glancing reference to Exodus 32 and a figuring of Aaron the idolator as the rebel and troublemaker who seduced the honest Israelites with the golden calf of dangerous principles .
20 A side of Slimbridge the public never sees .
21 ‘ Instead of grabbing a tin of soup the book will say , ‘ Pick up a few carrots , a leek , chop them up and throw them in water , add a dash of cream , a few leaves of chervil , and you have something homely and delicious that you have made . ’
22 If it is a loss of earnings the court has only to ascertain and add up the net earnings lost , and if it is loss caused by out-of-pocket expenditure the court has only to ascertain and add up the total expenditure .
23 Reporting first quarter figures for the first time — nothing like good news to encourage such a move — SGS-Thomson Microelectronics NV said net profit for the first quarter of 1993 was $24.4m on sales up 28.1% at $439m ; in the year to December 31 it had net profit of $3m compared with a loss of $102.6m the year before ; first quarter orders soared by 91.2% to $726.8m .
24 So although for the majority of cases that a fatal as a result of diphtheria the fact that , due actually to the pharyngitis and the pseudo- membrane obstructing the respiratory passage .
25 By the time Edward returned with a tray of beer-cans the fire was blazing with famished enthusiasm .
26 One day he excelled himself , turning up with a piece of furniture the size of a large sideboard which housed the coveted television set along with a radiogram and a place to keep your records .
27 The Minister will remember that in Committee , he regularly boasted about how powerful a piece of legislation the Bill was — saying that it was the most far-reaching legislation in Europe , and so on .
28 Then she sent Nara to fetch the things she would need : a piece of rope the length of the space between her hands when she held out her arms ; a supple willow twig , the length of the space between Nara 's hands : a sprig of the dā telo bush in flower : and some wheat flour and tobacco for her own payment .
29 Any citizen attending could inscribe on a piece of pottery the name of the person he wanted ostracised , without speeches or debate .
30 He had been stabbed a number of times but , before he died , he used his own blood to etch on a piece of parchment the name Raphael .
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