Example sentences of "a [noun sg] the [noun] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In such a case the mortgagee acts for the benefit of the equity of redemption as much as for that of the security .
2 The last time , Dawn if I grew a beard the ginger comes through it , I grew a moustache , it was ginger
3 Holden battered the free-kick against the wall and after a scramble the ball fell to Henry , who struck a low shot from more than 30 yards past Lukic .
4 It hit the platform fence and ran under the carriage ; as quick as a flash the boy darted past Charlotte and Albert and tried to look for it under the wheels .
5 Lisa hesitated for a moment , then in a flash the solution came to her .
6 Within such a framework the duties imposed by the 1981 Act could be accommodated fairly easily , but another challenge was immediately presented by the introduction of the national curriculum with its mandatory package of core and foundation subjects .
7 In Aberdeen South the Tories went one better when Mr Raymond Robertson won the seat from Labour 's Frank Doran , regaining a seat the Conservatives lost in 1987 .
8 But with anything less than a gale the house filled with smoke and the door had to be opened .
9 As a result the law relating to local government had become very detailed .
10 As a result the warbler increased in numbers until by 1988 the population had built to the extent that it was decided that some birds could be caught and transported to the island of Aride , some twelve kilometres north , which is managed by the UK-based Royal Society for Nature Conservation .
11 For a second the shell lay with a smoking fuse amidst the wreckage of the wheel , then it crashed apart in a deafening explosion .
12 For a second the boat seemed to be frozen as if in a frame of news film .
13 A groan burst from his lips as he mounted his horse , and for a second the world swam before his eyes .
14 A short order may be made , for example , to give a parent the opportunity to return to court with legal representation .
15 I think also on the inherent fault situation , I mean when somebody buys a vehicle the vehicle has to be of a standard obviously and if there are problems there then obviously people appreciate the fact that they can go back and this is really the point of dealing with a reputable dealer from the word go .
16 But as a boy the cloud hung over me .
17 The golf club subscription is a benefit the director receives from the company , even though the company gained no tax relief for the payment of the subscription .
18 The central courtyard , built originally for coaches and horses , was roofed over , and for a period the ballroom doubled as a volleyball court .
19 As a consequence the mixture boils at a lower temperature ( see figure 6.23 ) .
20 With no uniform but an armband and all but no weapons , we kept watch in rotation through the warm nights of that early summer , with German planes passing overhead and all of a sudden the ground shuddering from bombs dropped on Southampton or Bristol .
21 She had n't thought she would understand what Fand meant ; but after only a moment the sense came to her that she was looking at a prisoner — at someone captive , helpless .
22 For a moment the dial shines in the night and at once Timmy stirs .
23 A letter from Lord Cassillis , on the other hand , would , Dempster believed , ‘ cancel in a moment the obligation arising from my opponent 's promise .
24 It is said that he stood before the altar and for a moment the Blade called to him .
25 For a moment the rune gleamed in a pool of red light .
26 For a moment the ghosts hovered around Klara-Lettkin-Strasse until Bodo exorcised them .
27 There was a knock on the door at the far side of the room , and after a moment the soldier entered with an armload of goods in striped bags .
28 The Englishman , jumping to one side , turned his sword against the King , and with a cry the King fell to the ground .
29 After a while the conversation turned to a friend 's plans to marry an American girl .
30 After a while the Feldgendarmen left without searching the surrounding countryside .
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