Example sentences of "a [noun sg] but [conj] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I du n no if it 's because it 's melted a bit but when I tried it before
2 I ai n't a bl builder or a carpenter or a chippy or a tiler but as I say I I I plan it out , always plan it out how I 'm going to do it .
3 You could have a look but like I say , ordering freebies now it 's up to the sales people to tell me what they want and I order them on their behalf .
4 ‘ A battleship is the salt cellar and the pepper a fishtank but if I see them both together they become a kangaroo . ’
5 I thought she was a friend but when I got here she had changed .
6 He said : ‘ I have n't got a grandmother but if I had one I would shoot her in the foot if it meant getting three points . ’
7 The vehicle was originally a petrol but before I bought it the engine was replaced with a Gold Seal factory rebuilt diesel unit .
8 I went there one Sunday , I thought we 'll have a meal but when I looked I said no chance !
9 Yeah , because I mean , like when I had the home erm , that again obviously you ca n't , people said that , I mean , it 's changed a lot but when I had the home you did n't just pull an , out anybody from the street and call them care assistants you had to offer them a day 's training every week
10 The idea was that I 'd go for a fortnight but when I got there she gave me the bum 's rush so I spent a couple of miserable days in France and then hared it back to England .
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