Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [pers pn] [vb mod] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 I can see that in such a case they might make a gift of paintings or other works of art for tax reasons , for example , and would n't care if they were sold or not .
2 If our smile does not receive a response we may try a more straightforward communication — ‘ hello Jill , it 's good to see you again . ’
3 If he were a poet he would write a poem to that glimpse of bare ankle .
4 Full instructions are provided , although if you are installing a transformer you 'll need a qualified electrician .
5 Famous for its marketing campaign that guaranteed bug-free software — if you found a bug you could claim a VW Beetle from the company — Ready Systems embarked on an ambitious project two and a half years ago to build a completely new tool suite .
6 In less than a second it would tear a gap in the highway the width of the riverbed .
7 that this will happen , people will come to us occasionally and say , do you need money for what specific and I think , as a committee we must have a future , a list for the future of things we might want and also of ideas we have .
8 Yeah , that 's a point I must have a look in Martin 's fridge .
9 Even if your job does not require you to specialise in tax , if you are running a business you should obtain a copy of the guidance note recently issued by the Faculty of Taxation on National Insurance contributions ( TAX 21/92 , available free from the Publications Department at the Institute — send sae ) .
10 Once a local authority has identified a need it should produce a plan to meet that need by providing the appropriate services ( Guidance , vol 2 , para 2.10 ) .
11 It might go well for the first three or four months , and then all of a sudden we might have a lapse in a few months ,
12 It 's an accident on the M Six , and er now if you look there in a moment you 'll see a car come out of control up through there .
13 Making a pit is not a job you would pay a builder to do .
14 He did n't want a job that 's what he had said he wanted to have time out he did n't want a job he could get a job when he wanted to , he ca n't now turn round and blame it on
15 ‘ If I was a toff I 'd have a watch , ’ said Sadie glancing at a wrist that needed no additions .
16 ( c ) Position conflicts : the position you take in one piece of litigation may be at odds with the position you want to take in a subsequent action ( for example , in advancing the cause of a plaintiff you may adopt a position that puts you in difficulty with some defence clients who are less than impressed with the vigour with which you espouse the plaintiff 's cause ) .
17 Somewhere there , but off the would n't it be but erm it was an event erm when I had a rise in wages my mother being a dressmaker she used to have a machine under the little front window and when I got a , I had a , they 'd put my wages up to ten shillings , and when I got in mum came over and said what 's the matter with you she said you seem as if you 're walking on air I said I 'd had a rise in wages and it was up from eight and four pence up to ten shillings I do n't know what that seems but still .
18 After watching a match you can take a scenic canter in a horse-drawn carriage .
19 Yeah , a tie you could make a suit out of !
20 ‘ I believe , in a case like yours , ’ wrote Mountbatten , coincidentally on St Valentine 's Day in 1974 , ‘ the man should sow his wild oats and have as many affairs as he can before settling down , but for a wife he should choose a suitable , attractive and sweet-charactered girl before she met anyone else she might fall for .
21 By pointing out a flower or describing a rarity he could make a walk supremely interesting and was indeed a charming companion on any expedition in the fields .
22 And is there a chance we 'll give a little bit extra for the hour to cos he 's organized it , he 's taken
23 Is there a chance he could have a review copy of Micro OCP ?
24 Yeah , I h , I honestly think though that when erm I do n't know , you see , cos I , I 's been saying oh when I get a chance I 'll get a transfer out of my office
25 If you 're out on the roads this weekend , there 's a chance you could see a squashed beetle .
26 Over a hedge I could see a large stone sitting in the middle of the field , basking in the sun like a great toad .
27 Thus in a self-contract he may make a contract such as ‘ if at the end of the week I have gone without a drink , or lost x lbs in weight , I can buy myself … ’ .
28 But if it is not bound by such a policy it can induce a large increase in the money supply and prevent the recession , or at least bring it to an end quickly .
29 You will be greeted with a welcome drink , and once a week you can enjoy a romantic candle-lit dinner .
30 as well if you want The Express and The Mail have much the same pictures Got a football magazine and a Woman you can have a football , I ca n't u look
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