Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [noun sg] [conj] [pron] have " in BNC.

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1 Driver Number : You will only have a Driver Number if you have already been issued with a New Style ( 10 Year type ) licence .
2 I overheard the man next to me saying that he would have to use a chest harness as he had broken his ankles twice .
3 Congress , any delegate who lives in a university town or who has a son or daughter at college can testify to the special promotions that all banks offer to students .
4 Robert denied a defence suggestion that he had been advancing on his brother and his family with his knife when he was shot .
5 They are DEVOTED to each other — she 's seeing a toy boy and he 's had a mistress for the last fourteen years
6 For a minute I thought my luck had changed and something good had happened , like Malpass had had a heart attack and I had a corpse in the back .
7 Pamela had nearly had a heart attack when she 'd looked at this year 's brochure and seen how much it would cost .
8 Her agent had all but ordered her in front of a firing squad when she had broken the news to him — it was fortunate that she had already pencilled a six-month-long break into her diary , intending to spend the time writing new material .
9 That is a stocking machine that we 've turned into an outer-wear machine .
10 Now if you know that somebody is a drug addict and they 've just had an injection you keep away from them , erm if they 're having a bad trip , whatever they call it , because you do n't , they become very violent , they can do a lot of damage , now the only time you will step in and help is when they go unconscious , but at the same time remember protect yourself , we 're talking about needles here and probably shared needles , you must be terribly careful that you do not get pricked by a needle , especially if , they have a habit of sticking needles under lapels , so always be aware of this , if a person is a drug addict , in fact if you can find some easier way of turning them into the recovery position , do so , erm , you can then obviously either call the ambulance .
11 For example , it is important for an inexperienced solo pilot to avoid a field landing until he has had some training in how to tackle one .
12 In fact , you should not go anywhere near a DIP system until you have a clear picture of your paper records .
13 He put one of their cocktail nuts into my mouth off a silver tray that he had balanced for the moment on the washbasin , and set himself to work on my mascara .
14 You dive down a side street where you have spied a festoon of pretty cotton squares , and there , under gaudy painted colonnades , lilac and orange , cinnamon and lemon and rose , in patterns more typical of Marseille or the Levant than of Cavaillon , the retail market stalls are already doing business .
15 You will not know the precise balance until you have prepared a completion statement , and you can not prepare a completion statement until you have worked out your own firm 's costs and disbursements ; and indeed until you have taken into account the costs and additional fees or charges that may be relevant to the particular transaction .
16 She leaned against the cabin-top , thinking that it was no wonder Lucenzo had been ready to burst a blood vessel when she 'd tried the mask on !
17 Nine patients had target cells on a blood film but none had evidence of Howell Jolly bodies .
18 That 's why a blood donor if they 've given a pint of blood they 're told not to smoke afterwards if they 're a smoker .
19 See apparently education now , we 're on a such a cut back that they 've
20 It seems that it is not clarification of definition , tell that to the woman who looked for two , thirteen years after a stroke husband and they had to wait for his death , that you did n't sell him a dread disease policy because there is not clarification of definition .
21 I sit in a sleeping bag once they 've gone to bed .
22 In Brightside the Unionist candidate had been specially demobilised for the election ; the Central Office agent for Yorkshire persuaded him to stand down , but it took a visit to Central Office before his supporters could be persuaded to support a Coalition Liberal that they had opposed at the last three elections .
23 Yeah , well my local schools the girls say there 's a football team and they 've done quite well through to the finals so it is en encouraged in in local school of mine .
24 Presumably he had been a football fan but it has not been possible to discover whether he supported Liverpool or Everton .
25 I felt guilty that this hard-won water should be wasted on a tea ritual when I had gallons of mineral water at my camp .
26 Her husband died in a car accident and I had to go and tell his wife .
27 For their telephone number I 've just put a question mark and I 've put a note here to say I was internally transferred .
28 The only exception is the sort of heat fault that makes a machine malfunction after it has been switched on for a given time or when the room warms up .
29 ‘ Look , if I live next door to an enemy and he has a knife , a gun and a machine gun and I 've got the same , I 'm not going to chuck mine before he chucks his .
30 Night-time bus services are to resume on a council estate where they 'd been withdrawn because of gang attacks .
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