Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [noun sg] [verb] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Their views should be sought on the issues to be raised prior to a case conference to afford them the opportunity to seek advice and prepare their representations .
2 ‘ Yes — bred from a mare Burun gave me the year we fought the Alan .
3 A kind choirman gave me a threepenny bit , so my total spending money for the day amounted to tenpence .
4 A beggar lad showed us the house in a dank , narrow alleyway where Mistress Hopkins lived .
5 But a snooker ball is n't twice as big , you know when a snooker ball hits something the other ball goes away quicker than the ball that 's hit it yeah ?
6 She thinks that being a crime writer makes me a detective as well .
7 A search party found him the next day , dead from exposure .
8 Another more immediate solution would be to combine an outing with others who live near you so that you could get into town on a bus and then share a taxi back ; or ask a car owner to give you a lift , in exchange for petrol money and perhaps some skill that you can offer .
9 ‘ What 's more , I intend to hire a live-in nanny to give me a hand and to be there when I ca n't .
10 The aircraft is only sold in its completed form , and the clever combination of glider-like performance with a microlight certification give it a broad spectrum appeal across the market place .
11 After all , mass-produced will always be mass-produced , but the whole point of mass-produced electrics is that you can walk into a store , pick the very best example from a row of several , spend a little money on a great setup , and maybe some pickups , and still save enough over a custom guitar to buy yourself an extremely nice amplifier .
12 Television had brought golf to the working class and for just a moment television gave us an idea of what it meant to them .
13 A team effort won us the match , ’ he said .
14 ‘ That baby beetch of a sail don' do you no good . ’
15 A conveyor belt brings you the latest catch , which you then gut , clean and pack for freezing .
16 A penny fare took us a mile and 2½d ( maximum fare ) would take us approximately 20 miles in any direction .
17 The overall four-match title , run on section points , went to Steve Cooper ( Anglers Choice ) for the second year as three wins plus a runner-up placing gave him an outstanding victory accruing 39 points from a maximum 40 .
18 So a News Network gives us a chance to extend CHOICE for all our listeners .
19 Another woman , after all , would no more hire a beauty queen to present a current affairs programme than she would hire a motor mechanic to give her a facelift .
20 Now here you 've got nought and a plus minus gives you a minus , so it 's nought a minus four ?
21 ‘ You could have special pots made — delicate pots for the nobility , hand-painted with a lake scene to give them an extra value — and on the larger pots you could paint ‘ The Fish ’ — no , ‘ The Char ’ , Buttermere , the Hidden Heart of the Famous Lakelands ' .
22 European political union is a question of the heart versus the head , a government minister told me the other day .
23 I 've been on the other side of things often enough — guitar in hand , waiting for someone behind a mixing desk to give me the word to start playing — but they 'd never actually let me touch anything !
24 As noted , Mrs Thatcher came from a relatively humble , unprivileged background , though a degree at Oxford and later marriage to a millionaire businessman gave her a distinctly haut bourgeois status in time .
25 She occasionally contacted me , and for a Christmas present gave me a photograph of Balbinder taken at school and made into a calendar .
26 A serving girl gave him a plate of fish and eggs , which he stirred with a fork , but did not eat .
27 He said : ‘ The fact that we are guaranteed a play-off place gives us a solid base to go to Molineux .
28 There was brawling at the Republicans ' conference in West Berlin in July 1989 and in mid-October a splinter group calling itself the Democratic Republicans of Germany ( Demokratische Republikaner Deutschlands ) was formed in Hannover .
29 Mrs Saint Germain , a member of the Grolier Club , began collecting Scottish literature aged only eight , when a family friend gave her an 1832 copy of Robert Burns poems .
30 The faint glow from a street light showed him the outline of a hedge , neat flower beds , a black oblong of lawn .
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