Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [coord] [verb] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 Curved steps are set out using a stringline or batten from a peg set at the centre point .
2 In some cases , however , the information on contacts may be slender , particularly if the sexual encounter followed a pick-up in a pub or resulted from a drunken all-night party which had been gate-crashed , and the contact-tracer may then be involved in trips , often abortive , to the Jolly Fig and Navel in the seedier part of town to try to locate Suzie — ‘ … the one with the long blonde hair , pink mini-skirt , and acne ’ .
3 To measure oesophageal body motility , variables measured were : ( 1 ) amplitude of contraction ( mm Hg ) , defined as the difference between the baseline pressure and the maximal pressure during the pressure event ; ( 2 ) duration of contraction ( s ) , defined as the time elapsed between the start and the end of the pressure event ; ( 3 ) area under the pressure curve ( mm Hg×s ) , calculated from the sum of all pressure values between the start and the end of the pressure event , multiplied by the sampling interval ; ( 4 ) propagation velocity ( cm/s ) , defined as the speed of a contraction and calculated from the delay time and the distance between the sensors ; ( 5 ) contractility ( mm Hg/s ) , defined as the maximal increment between consecutive pressure values divided by the sampling interval ; ( 6 ) total contractions ( No/24 h ) , defined as pressure curves that are not rejected as artifacts ; ( 7 ) propagated contractions ( No/24 h ) , defined as contractions that are detected by a proximal pressure transducer and followed by a contraction at the distal sensor .
4 For most of the period , from the first conquests in the fourteenth century until the rise of the South Slav nationalist movements in the nineteenth century , the empire was either preparing for a war against its Christian neighbours , fighting a war or recovering from a war .
5 It 's been a bumpy ride , but the bill to privatize British Rail is almost at the end of its long parliamentary journey but the battle is n't over yet , earlier this week hundreds of protestors from a variety of backgrounds gave up a day and travelled from the North to carry their defiant message to Transport Secretary John MacGregor .
6 Help promote and support the activities of the Ulster Orchestra by becoming a Friend and benefit from the privileges that only come from being a Friend of the Ulster Orchestra .
7 Vogue assured its readers that ‘ everyone goes cruising and the trouble is not to find a cruise but to choose from the numberless , almost equally alluring cruises that are most suited to one 's particular fancy ’ .
8 There was a turquoise stone set in a pendant and hanging from a fine gold chain at Debbie 's throat .
9 The London banker either charged a commission or profited from the use of his clients ' cash deposits .
10 Some we all use occasionally , like medicine prescribed by a doctor or bought from a chemist .
11 For example , they pretend to feed a doll or to drink from an ( empty ) cup .
12 It is as follows : that the decision to turn off a ventilator is , in fact , a decision to terminate the life of a patient or to remove from a patient the last thread by which he held on to life .
13 Occasionally , character steps out of the angular interlocking patterns to hold a bowl or pour from a jug .
14 The same applies at every level of involuntary or semi-voluntary behaviour , in falling asleep or waking , health or sickness , interest or boredom , welcoming a scent or recoiling from a bad smell , snapping up a useful fact or closing the mind against an awkward one , or in any kind of creative or contemplative ecstasy .
15 Tuppe awoke with a shout and leapt from the portmanteau .
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