Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [adv] [vb pp] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Older historians may still question the validity of oral data ; but , Briggs argues , ‘ you 've got to be critical of all forms of historical evidence ; they all have their pitfalls , but oral evidence is especially useful for recovering attitudes ’ — a point amply borne out by City Lives .
2 Students were a group already singled out for special attention in the effort to keep out the ‘ bourgeois liberalism ’ which had influenced their predecessors at the turn of the century .
3 A BUSINESS almost cleaned out by burglars has put up a reward for information leading to conviction of the culprits .
4 Her mother 's friends , Lizzie Braithwaite and Maria Colclough and Ethel Lord were incensed by it , having used the act of sex all their wedded lives as something to bargain with , employing their very contempt for it as a punishment regularly meted out to husbands who lusted after the nasty performance far too much .
5 His tie was badly knotted , his shirt had a crumpled look — everything about him suggested a man hastily summoned out of bed .
6 Apparently , though , it was not etiquette , a reality laughingly pointed out to her by Glyn when they had started going out with each other on a regular basis .
7 Suddenly the trench became ‘ nothing more than a track hardly traced out amid the shell holes ’ .
8 A former PFL senator , Jorge Borhausen , was appointed to the newly-created Cabinet post of Secretary to the Presidency , with responsibility for rebuilding relations with Congress , a task previously carried out by Justice Minister Jarbas Passarinho .
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