Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [modal v] [verb] be in " in BNC.

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1 If Skipper had been an older horse who knew what he should do and was simply messing about , a reprimand might have been in order .
2 England 's World Cup preparation outdoors could clearly not be ignored but , even with a weakened squad , a medal might have been in reach .
3 But Presley points out : ‘ With the discovery that a membrane bone can totally mimic a basic cartilaginous constituent of the developing skull , we have to ask ourselves how widespread such a phenomenon may have been in vertebrate evolution . ’
4 The employer was forced to admit that no replacement had been engaged , which tended to indicate that a redundancy might have been in the offing .
5 To belong , a dealer must have been in business for three years and have a proven reputation for expertise .
6 Given his military background , such a task should have been in the nature of coals to Newcastle , but in the event he was scrutinising his reflection in the mirror above the fireplace .
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