Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [conj] [verb] at a " in BNC.

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1 He , too , was a writer and worked at a brewery — as Havel had done — keeping his thoughts to himself .
2 The two girls , it transpired , did not work in a cabaret but assisted at a gambling salon .
3 The tentacle scales may be distinct from the oral papillae being either separated by a gap or placed at a higher level as viewed from the ventral side as in the genera Ophiotoma and Ophioblenn .
4 The Tornado would launch a Harm or Alarm at a safe distance .
5 The gall bladder is a reservoir that empties at a slow pace .
6 When back pain and arthritis are the problems it can help to take short rests or breaks from a long stint in one position — say sitting at a desk or standing at an ironing-table .
7 Those people are not exploiting a loophole or grabbing at a large pot of gold .
8 She chewed at the spiky end of a plait and kicked at a kitchen chair-leg .
9 After we had been locked in I spent the evening making preparations with Malleson 's help : sewing on buttons , dubbining my boots , making a pillow case into a rucksack and staring at a map with unreal names on it like Danzig and Berlin .
10 An episode which attracted particular concern was a strike that occurred at an obscure photo-processing plant in North London , the Grunwick works .
11 Slowly , he raised a finger and pointed at a man in the crowd , beckoning him forward in a friendly manner .
12 If you got into trouble you were made to sit on a chair and look at a wall for twenty-four hours a day .
13 This is satisfactory enough , though it is often necessary to perch the tripod on top of a platform or a solid table , as otherwise you will have to be something of a contortionist when looking at an object high in the sky ( incidentally , the same is true of a small refracting telescope ) .
14 It was the final piece in a jigsaw that started at an auction at a rundown farm in 1970 .
15 It is a show that progresses at a terrific pace , none of the performers , from Duncan downwards , spare themselves .
16 We rubbed shoulders with a bride and groom at a local wedding , as anyone was allowed to wander round the church while the marriage was going on ( it was a tiny church ) .
17 So that 's another situation and as we 'll talk about and I hinted at yesterday er the dreaded vote of thanks situation and the the er giving of the gold watch and er and the being a best man at a wedding or even a bride or groom at a wedding er again is a is a way of helping this Aldershot method is a way of helping you to get your thoughts together and put them across effectively .
18 Continuing on the subject of getting involved , the committee are always delighted to hear from anyone wishing to help in any way ( half an hour once a year on a stall or helping at an open coffee morning would be tremendous ) .
19 ( In modern French , a discussion that proceeds at a businesslike pace , even briskly , may be said to do so rondement . )
20 He took up a fork and prodded at a dish of small silvery fish marinated in olive oil , garlic and wine vinegar .
21 We can infer that George was in a restaurant , and that he sat at a table and looked at a menu .
22 The dead room ( mortuary ) was provided with a table and shell at a cost of £1.4s.0d .
23 At about ten to nine I tethered the bike to a lamp-post and proceeded at a leisurely pace on foot to the Parsons ' .
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