Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [adv] they [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Erm there is a study where they looked into erm men in the workforce and women and in the workforce and er if men worked together in factories it sort of reinforces their speech patterns , their workmates are reinforcing their speech pattern so they 're more likely to use non- standard .
2 Okay , maybe I should know all this by now , but I do n't and I bet there are a lot of new readers who also read the mag and in many of the reviews there comes a point where they say to themselves , ‘ what 's one of them ? ’
3 There 's a place where they go for lunch you see
4 It was over a titbit on the floor and occurred after a period when they growled at each other at feeding time .
5 A week later they settled on ‘ Diana Frances ’ , after the infant 's mother and a Spencer ancestress .
6 I mean , if we have a petition like they do on the counter in Welfare Rights in the Town Hall , I do n't think there be any opposition to that and the Libraries for the setting up of a P D S A branch , you know , I do n't see why , why we should n't give it a try .
7 They were found by the expedition in a store where they served as a rather cumbersome ‘ card index ’ of courtly precedents .
8 I have to write to them and ask them and about a month later they reply to me and I pass it on to her .
9 In it he described how , if chicks are trained on the passive avoidance task and immediately afterwards given a mild electric shock across their heads , they seem to forget the association of taste and bead , for when offered a bead later they peck at it enthusiastically once more .
10 Because the erm , situation will become so bad , and , I think people might turn the other way when it comes to a a state where they have to be
11 from a row where they sleep like bats .
12 Because er , inevitably man has got ta leave their home , even if they 've had a father erm who 's been a if they 've had no father at all , they 're gon na leave and they 're gon na face a world where they have to be a man and they 're gon na have to find their own male morals , and I think the , the responsibility , basically , has got ta come to men to change not for us to change them .
13 What an impro of this kind does is confront the actors with a situation where they have to be emotionally truthful .
14 They are in a situation where they work as peers with adults .
15 Jackie Jackson , a girl shot putter whose parents were Jamaican , put it like this : ‘ No matter what they say , all black kids go through a phase when they want to be white …
16 It was too late to go to the campsite , or even to get a bus out of town , so we stopped at a hotel where they worried about us and charged too much for Coke .
17 In Darcy 's Utopia money will be as meaningless as coconuts in a country where they fall from the trees : it will cease to be a corrupting cause .
18 A year later they graft on a bud higher up the stem of a cider fruit variety .
19 I think every child goes through a stage where they go into a shop and nick something : they just want to see whether they can get away with it .
20 As two young married couples they had been close for a time when they lived near Stoke , although Carole had not got on at all well with Amaranth .
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