Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [verb] off [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 However I did get a bit cheesed off with the movie 's rather plodding pace .
2 I 'm just a bit pissed off with the way the wallpaper 's hanging !
3 The road continues south , climbing over a rise with a good retrospective view of the full length of Kingsdale and then makes a long descent to Thornton in Lonsdale after a branch turns off to the right for the A65 at Westhouse .
4 In the attempt to win society 's approval by a cultured ministry that had both sweetness and light , would Nonconformity produce a ministry cut off from the faithful ?
5 A short distance up the road from the Hill Inn , a bridleway turns off to the right and , with Ingleborough looming directly in front , passes along an easy terrace to reach a gate in a cross-wall after half a mile .
6 The helicopter and a standby vessel spotted a flare set off by the crew and stayed in the vicinity until the men were winched to safety by an RAF helicopter .
7 a pickpocket running off with the victim 's wallet and money .
8 Now family reasons can be anything from baby 's colic to a wife running off with the milkman , and there is no arguing with them , because it is indelicate to inquire further , and potentially embarrassing to boot .
9 At one stage a bleeper went off in the press gallery which woke up one or two slumbering hacks .
10 A complaint goes off to the powers .
11 A ‘ You could finish with a chain cast off on the front , instead of backstitching through the open stitches as usual .
12 The spadefish swim faster in schools because of a slime given off by the swimming fish .
13 Revealing one 's body brings into conflict a wish to show off with the desire to cover up .
14 OMAGH TOWN had a man sent off for the third game in a row as they were outclassed at Shamrock Park .
15 Just before a road turns off to the left into the village there is a terrace , the spot where Sir Winston Churchill did his paintings of the village .
16 From Santana a road turns off to the left which winds up into the Pico das Pedras Park .
17 At Fabian , three miles further on , a road turns off to the right up into the mountains : I shall come back to this in a moment .
18 Just why is unclear but follow it and , four miles before Gubbio , a road branches off to the beautiful region of Monte Maggiore .
19 It was relatively easy to do in the first years of the regime , with a war- and hunger-cowed populace , a subsistence-level economy , and a country cut off from the outside world .
20 As soon as they were over the bridge , a driveway cut off to the left and their way was barred by huge wrought-iron gates .
21 ‘ After three or four weeks a suntan comes off in the bath , but you have damaged your skin and maybe even have skin cancer — why compromise yourself ?
22 Here a track turns off to the right to mount the gentle slope where , at mid-height , a short detour to the left reveals Storrs Cave .
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