Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [noun] at the same " in BNC.

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1 On a PC system at the same site we would expect to provide a minimum of one day 's training for a basic word processing package …
2 ‘ I thought I might as well have a bit of a motoring holiday at the same time , ’ he explains .
3 Focus on visual information may be sharpened , when pupils are not trying to follow a sound commentary at the same time .
4 Or they may take advantage of visits to dischargers for other purposes to fill a sample bucket at the same time .
5 To compare the new technique with the conventional intraoesophageal pH measurement , a method was developed to locate a pH electrode at the same point in the oesophagus as that monitored by the cadmium telluride detector .
6 Taylor found that a kangaroo hops at the same frequency at which gazelles of equal weight run or , for that matter , at which humans of equal weight bound on a pogo stick .
7 There was Tom running a passenger service at the same time as you were doing the mail ?
8 If this is printed directly on a page printer at the same resolution the results seem reasonable but attempt to reproduce the image by photocopying or traditional printing and the lack of quality is all too apparent .
9 Thus the purchase of a put option is exactly equivalent to purchasing a call option at the same exercise price and simultaneously selling the underlying asset and investing a sum equal to the exercise price in a riskless bond .
10 One of the tools Roy manufactured for making parts for his clocks , a cutter grinder , won a bronze medal at the same show .
11 He gives an example about lifting a heavy weight and doing a multiplication sum at the same time and says you ca n't do it .
12 It 's a remarkable rise for a company which in the early days operated from a nissen hut at the same site .
13 ‘ You should talk to a friend of mine who 's a history don at the same college as Puddephat .
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