Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [verb] [adv prt] into the " in BNC.

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1 This chapter ends with a description of a study carried out into the origin , evolution , spellings and meaning of an individual surname .
2 A priest ran out into the road and knelt beside a body which had shined the street red .
3 It seemed incautious to attempt it indoors , and I was half-way out of bed to get a tray to take out into the garden before I realized the ridiculous nature of the enterprise .
4 She had been on the run since her conversation with Jack , a steady stream of nasty fractures and frightened children and anxious parents , and then , shortly after two , just when things began to settle down and she thought she might actually get some lunch , a car screeched up into the entrance and a man jumped out , flung open the back of the car and half dragged , half carried a woman towards the doors .
5 I was almost at the corner of Stuart Street when a car slowed up into the corner of my eye .
6 Then , as though to celebrate the passing of the downpour , a flame reached out into the sky some distance to their left .
7 The back door of the house opened and a girl came out into the yard .
8 When tall , angled , high-gabled and firm , they have perfected the art of looming , and some of their gateways are arched with stone , and some of their tower windows might still have a Mary , Queen of Scots , or a tartan Lady of Shalott roaming soulfully behind their small winking panes , or a Rapunzel leaning out into the sunshine .
9 Why should Shadrach contemplate for a moment stepping back into the burning fiery furnace ?
10 There was a movement in the undergrowth and a rabbit bobbed out into the clearing , settling to feed within a few feet of where he stood .
11 It was a gladness to slip down into the sheets knowing the day had ended .
12 Of course , the mascara-heavy crowd do n't all appreciate being insulted , and during ‘ America Dream ’ a pint sails over into the singer 's face .
13 Of course , the mascara-heavy crowd do n't all appreciate being insulted , and during ‘ America Dream ’ a pint sails over into the singer 's face .
14 Make arrangements satisfactory to patients and staff locally for the closure over the next ten years or so of those mental illness hospitals which are not well placed to provide a service reaching out into the community and are already near the end of their useful life .
15 Before a bushbaby sets out into the African night , it performs a strange ritual : it cups its hands and then urinates on them .
16 The road dipping down into town and the bar with its brown tin roof and its dusty verandah , and a woman running out into the street , hair horizontal in the air behind her , strings of wooden beads swinging in a loop around her neck like a cow 's jaw chewing , her mouth wide open , a wedge hewn out of her face , as if someone had taken an axe to her , as if her mouth was a wound and her screaming the bleeding .
17 She was already starting to feel battered by the increased level of the sound , and it was a relief to get out into the lower buzz and the cooler lights .
18 A door led out into the garden .
19 A volleyball net was set up on it , a wharf stretched out into the cove .
20 you can take a donkey ride up into the mountains in the morning , before spending the afternoon on a jet ski or paragliding down the beach .
21 The door to Joe 's room swung open and a man stepped out into the landing .
22 Beside the boat-house a jetty thrust out into the water , and from this a weedy , once-gravelled path led along above the beach to the stone archway which was the garden gate of Taigh na Tuir .
23 A slave came out into the yard , a broom in his hand .
24 A poll carried out into the reasons why people voted for the SDP candidate in the Warrington by-election of 1981 revealed that only 9 per cent did so because they supported SDP policy ; 8 per cent did so because they admired the well-known candidate ; and nearly 70 per cent voted for negative " reasons — the most frequently cited being their opposition to the extremism of the two established parties .
25 Central Asia was now regarded as the cradle of humanity , a view endorsed through into the 1930s by H. F. Osborn and other eminent paleontologists .
26 As Zen stood there fiddling with the crucifix , the end of the upright suddenly came away cleanly in his hand and he saw that it was hollow and that the lower part of the shaft contained a heavy rectangular pack about two centimetres long connected to a wire running back into the shaft and disappearing through a small hole into the figure of Christ .
27 Most , in both categories , left after taking the School Certificate ( if not sooner ) , but a trickle went on into the sixth form and even to the universities .
28 Although Molins ' aim is to capture the ‘ small — and often unacknowledged — details of life ’ , her eye ranges from broad vistas noting the peculiar effect of a lamp-post Lurching up into the sky or of a statue gesticulating from the top of a building , to close-up studies of various corners of interiors .
29 He paused at Wormwood Gate as a rocket shot up into the night sky and exploded a half-mile away to the east .
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