Example sentences of "a [adj] [det] [noun pl] that [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Now , can we please have a few more bands that intend to be this good ?
2 The road continues on a switchback course , reaching more open ground with wider views and , after a few more miles that seem to be leading nowhere , arrives at the top of a hill where the cottages of Arnisdale are suddenly revealed around a bay ahead .
3 In fact , there are a great many things that keep the family going .
4 I should add that there are also a great many flowers that seem to have rather negative meanings , such as the lovely little lawn daisy , which apparently means ‘ delay ’ , or ‘ return after a few days when I may give you an answer ’ — not necessarily the most suitable text to put on a bookmark .
5 No notice , right with these are exactly the same as those now alright so what we 're going to do is we 're going to subtract right , if we subtract from a , subtract b from a all those terms that run off into infinity , we 're gon na drop out , okay .
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