Example sentences of "a [noun] from [adv] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Optional course either Civil Law or International Law or a course from outside the Law Faculty eg German 1 , British History 1
2 There 's an igneous intrusion there , with fragments of garnet peridotite — that 's a rock from below the earth 's crust — and I 'd like to spend a bit of time there , though the rocks at the north-west end look pretty difficult to get at .
3 Or take a taxi from outside the railway station .
4 Unity Trust reduced its loan book last year , but added 11 per cent more accounts and now has more than 15,000 customers , a quarter from outside the trade union sector .
5 ‘ Years ago , ’ he said , ‘ a man from outside the realm passed up the river towards Lavondyss .
6 ‘ Tell him I can not see anyone , ’ said a voice from inside the study .
7 ‘ Utterson , ’ said a voice from inside the study , ‘ I beg you to leave me alone ! ’
8 Paisley had based his assertion about the danger to himself on a warning from inside the security forces and this fact meant that he could not establish the credibility of it by revealing the source of his information .
9 Before the dog could say more , there came a hissing from outside the wall .
10 It reckons a year from now the industry will be at $4,000 .
11 Here for simplicity we shall take the frame to be a single arm suspended at its centre as shown in Fig. 2.2 ; Fig. 2.2(a) shows a view from above the North Pole , and Fig. 2.2(b) shows a side view .
12 Later on Marcus came in , took a bag from inside the noise-maker and dropped it in a large crackling black bag .
13 He went back , took a hoe from inside the door of his house and stabbed furiously at the cabbage patch , trying to rearrange the furrows in neat order .
14 She crouched down to retrieve a comb from underneath the seat in front , and her fingers brushed what appeared to be a small piece of card .
15 There was a shout from outside the wire and the sound of heavy boots running over packed snow .
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