Example sentences of "a [noun] it look [prep] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 For a second it looked as if he might make a stab at it , but then he saw John Wakeham , looking a little crestfallen , coming out in front of him , while behind John Patten , Tony Newton , Michael Portillo and Sir Patrick Mayhew were about to swing through Downing Street gates .
2 I in a mammal it looks as if that the mother 's body i is , is an oven , and once you 've put the bun in , it 's gon na rise it 's not like that .
3 For a moment it looked as if he was free and would land safely near Tock 's cottage but coming down he fell with a thump into the basket lift at the other side .
4 For a moment it looked as if the classic capture was about to take place : the low , lean greyhound was about to sink its teeth into the boar .
5 For a moment it looked as if Evans might resist , then he let himself be led to the sofa where he sat down quietly with his head between his hands and began to cry .
6 The Ford driver gave nothing away and for a moment it looked as if there would be a confrontation with a juggernaut coming from London .
7 For a moment it looked as if she 'd ask him more , she raised her face to his .
8 Its windows had been spray-painted in blues and reds so that from a distance it looked as if the bus had curtains on the outside .
9 There was a huge row within the Owen family and for a while it looked as if the plug would be pulled immediately .
10 For a while it looked as if founding editor Ken Wilson would buy the title back , but he was unable to find an editor and a valiant last ditch attempt to keep the title going , by Grey Rimmer of On The Edge , was destined to fall by the wayside .
11 For a while it looked as if pity would be in order for Nadeem Shahid , and for that your correspondent must shoulder some of the blame .
12 The hijackers jumped down and for a minute it looked as if they were going to try to fight their way out .
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