Example sentences of "a [noun] of [noun sg] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Tell you what I 've chucked many a bucket of water on over them
2 information , er , they did it on erm , one of the programmes they actually put a bucket of water actually on the equator , I do n't know if you saw it .
3 If a man was lucky it was a case of pop in for a quick half , then home to a meal of bubble and squeak with the Missus .
4 Last year 's holiday was great , last year , and I might get a bit of enjoyment out of looking at the photographs , but I 'm still paying for one again this year !
5 I sometimes like to think it was my eloquence , but the fact of the matter is that if I had got up on my hind legs and suggested a bit of Karaoke instead of the morning service , they would have leaped at it .
6 ‘ It was a varied , highly satisfying climb , ’ says Walsh , ‘ with quite a bit of ice up to 55 degrees ; VS standard rock , albeit with old fixed ropes , and some tiring plodding through knee-deep powder . ’
7 Mind you , I think they 've had a bit of luck lately with a couple of wealthy chaps coming to live in the area and showing signs of interest . ’
8 He put it away , a bit of hesitation there in the Oxford United defence , and it 's a goal to Spurs scored by Gary Mafford , in fact he 's put the ball in the net ; mistake from Andy Melville gave Spurs a corner , the ball was n't cleared , Gascoigne played a one two , was blocked by United , it came out to Mafford in the end and the goal 's in so Spurs take the lead after eight minutes .
9 It put a bit of life back into her and she was able to leave with more dignity than she had felt on arrival as Felipe politely held her chair and said adiós to the still intrigued customers .
10 Half a tick — I 've got a bit of bumph somewhere with the drill in case of air raids . ’
11 You know ; put a bit of sparkle back in
12 And then we got a bit of plaster out of Uncle Alan 's medical bag
13 Reggane was forty miles away , with a bit of sand just before it , but nothing serious .
14 I saw him play last week against Sunderland reserves , he had another magnificent game , his passing was absolutely immaculate — got a good goal , hit a great volley that for another goal ; he can just pass the ball , and I think that 's what we 've lacked a little bit of , er a bit of guard sometimes for our midfield .
15 A bit of activity out on the water catches my attention next and I bring the ‘ scope out ; it is a small party of long-tailed duck in their handsome winter plumage , the long tail-streamers of the drakes showing clearly as they display to the females .
16 ‘ Her mother was a very wealthy woman , and her father was a kind of handyman who helped out in the convent , and did a bit of work up at Westlands .
17 there does n't seem to be any sense to it really but you can try and make a bit of sense out of some of it not all of it but some of it you can make a bit of sense out of it yes .
18 there does n't seem to be any sense to it really but you can try and make a bit of sense out of some of it not all of it but some of it you can make a bit of sense out of it yes .
19 JB : There 's a bit of painting there on the wall that I rather like — well in fact I do like it , it took 20 minutes .
20 Steep routes , close to the road , sunshine , pleasant surroundings and generally good quality rock ; plus there 's a bit of adventure away from the crowds for those prepared to look for it .
21 Still , Imaginary have got the ‘ Turtle Soup ’ album so they should make a bit of money out of it . ’
22 " Is that a fact ? " said Manciple , and the sergeant said , " You 'll maybe be getting a bit of money out of this series , then ? "
23 I 'll have to go up our Sam 's first and whinge a bit of money out of her .
24 See which courses they can put round what and squeeze a bit of money out of it .
25 Hope you 're better next week Just put a bit of wallpaper up in your bedroom , then you can .
26 The dealer got more and more paranoid sitting there , noticing these two guys in the corner who kept looking at a bit of paper then at him , then having a bit of a conflab .
27 So never mind what the executive amends , recommend , stick your hand up for three eight eight and three eight nine and give a bit of power back to the people .
28 do you remember the time though as being , you , you certainly imply that it was a , a time when there was a quite a bit of unrest perhaps at the complexity of the scheme , as much as anything else .
29 It 's safe enough to put a bit of speed on from here . ’
30 ‘ On a 500 you 're really only washing a bit of speed off with the front .
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