Example sentences of "a [noun] of a [noun sg] really " in BNC.

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1 Fra fractions are a bit of a cheat really because this is what we do we say let's have a look at the page how much would you get if you had one and you shared it out between four and you just write well it 's one shared out between four .
2 It was a bit of a chorus really , even some of the Repo Men joined in .
3 I 'm a bit of a bore really when it comes to food .
4 ‘ I do n't think there 's much he does n't play — guitars , mandolins , fiddle , upright bass , keyboards — he 's a bit of a genius really !
5 It 's a bit of a bummer really but you know when you 've got it on and you 're talking , cos I was telling jokes and you get carried away and you start thinking wah and you start telling all the jokes and everything there 's a , a lot of swearing on this tape , a lot of swearing , a lot of swearing .
6 Well , it 's a bit of a joke really .
7 ‘ There are a lot of people out there looking , it 's a bit of a joke really . ’
8 It 's just a bit of a joke really .
9 You sound as if you 're a bit of a masochist really after all this .
10 up and down the intervals I mean it is a bit of a muchness really .
11 You 're a bit of a tart really are n't you .
12 It 's a bit of a waste really , in n it ?
13 The Rosettis were here too , it was a bit of a pose really .
14 Yes , Chairm er it 's a bit of a dilemma really because the area that is being used to , to walk and then clamber over this bridge , is actually within the nature reserve , as you rightly describe it .
15 And by the way , if we only give you fifty percent we 'll allow you to rattle our cage , which is a bit of a cheek really , but we 'll allow it .
16 a bit of a distraction really .
17 but of course erm as a sort of public to the er , er a gesture to the public erm but one stage during the war when things were getting a bit grim on the war front , it was decided that erm , we should work extra hours as erm , to show that we were pulling our weight , so we used to , instead of starting at nine o'clock until erm half past five , and working on Saturdays as well of course , erm , we had to start at half past eight and finish at six and it was a bit of a fiasco really because nobody erm , you know , well the end of the half past five you were pretty well tired out so erm the rest of the time
18 It 's a bit of a shame really .
19 It 's a bit of a shame really , because it 's quite a nice room .
20 On the days when I am left to my own devices I am a bit of a disgrace really .
21 We 're keen to trace him because he might be able to tell us something like a piece of a jigsaw really that may help to put the case together
22 I was out on the moor from , it 's been a hell of a fortnight really
23 a hell of a lot really , normally you would n't have the vinyl and normally I would think you would only put the tongue and groove not out of the polystyrene behind it and the vinyl , I ca n't see why people want tongue and groove that they go to all those lengths would you ?
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