Example sentences of "a [noun] when i [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 Mig Romerez did not even recognise a football when I showed him one but his exotic appearance should be enough to impress those bumpkins in ‘ The Tip ’ crowd .
2 All at once I was gusted along , and really felt : a heartbeat when I saw him , a warmth when he touched me ; I smelt the flowers he bought me and the spicy perfume he put on his skin .
3 It 's just that Hubert was always such a fool when I knew him , and I hoped he might have acquired a little common sense in the meantime .
4 Did n't she realise what a sacrifice when I asked him to make it .
5 Andrew was a toddler when I met him ; he was an expert at tantrums when he did n't get his own way .
6 He gave me a hint when I interviewed him in Helsinki not long before he also was murdered . ’
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