Example sentences of "a [noun] [vb past] [adv] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Newman slowed down , stopped outside a cottage set well back from the road so Paula could read the name .
2 In contrast to his sisters , Anthony was over-clad , a bundle of leggings , jumper and a padded jacket topped with a woollen helmet with a bobble pulled well down over his forehead , beneath which he surveyed their busyness , unsmiling , like a stout imperious Caesar .
3 as if at a prearranged signal a chant began high up in the gallery : ‘ Fascism means Murder !
4 A curtain flapped wildly out of one of them .
5 He must have been about to take a shower , she realised , noticing a towel flung carelessly on to the bed , and seeing for the first time that his shirt was undone almost to the waist , revealing his broad , muscular chest with its lavish covering of silky golden hair .
6 Mr. Oswald Stoll — who was subsequently knighted — began to erect , in 1911 , one of his ‘ Empires ’ , a theatre of entertainment , in Chiswick High Road , situated between the ‘ Old Packhorse ’ on the corner of Acton Lane , and the family butchers , ‘ Caughts ’ which had its own slaughter house , as well as a shop set well back from the main road , just west of Essex Place Square .
7 It offered no defence ; and defence was needed , for on the opposite side of the yard a wall ran right up to the house and although it was lower than the roof an agile man might easily scramble from it up on to the roof itself .
8 Cloke ( 1980a , p. 98 ) suggests that this may be because the concept of ‘ key settlements has been a cosmetic justification for a policy created merely out of economic expediency and administrative pragmatism ’ .
9 A door crashed somewhere up beyond a curtain wall , and the voices of women carried like a peal of bells — melodious , chiming upon one another — into the well of the gallery immediately above .
10 When the last goodbyes and blessings on him had been murmured by the ladies , two dimmed lanterns were provided by Mrs Prynn the housekeeper , and the priest was led down to the kitchens and into the stables , under the floor of which a tunnel led steeply down to the shore .
11 But better than that , Mr. Deputy Speaker — I am sure that you will allow 30 seconds indulgence here — I remind Conservative Members , although they were not all present at the time , of a Bill introduced way back in 1976 , if we can have a trip down memory lane .
12 Candles and oil-lamps gleamed weakly in distant windows and a torch shone briefly down by the ancient Cross as a link-boy led a gentleman home after a night 's revelry , by the shortest and hopefully , safest route .
13 Ten feet in the other direction a staircase rose directly up by the side of the end wall and she made for this .
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