Example sentences of "a [noun] [coord] it [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , you can rely on the various methods by which you draw a shape on a chart and it tells you automatically how many stitches and rows you need but for those machines that are not so sophisticated you are left with simple maths .
2 It 's a trick but it helps it took all the
3 Perhaps the book of lamentation is not the book you normally turn to , to find words of encouragement , but there are tremendous encouragements to be found in it , listen what the profits says there , in the third chapter , he says this I recall to my mind , and he 's talking about the time of his own affliction , the time when he is going through it , the time when nobody loves him , the time when everybody 's against him , when he 's suffering and he 's in pain the time when life is full of bitterness for him , he says this I recall to my mind , therefore I have hope , the lords loving kindness indeed never ceases for his compassion 's never fail and here Jesus is demonstrating that , he 's compassion 's never fail , he 's loving kindnesses they never cease , here in his dying hour Jesus is showing that in reaching out to this man but as we said the other week the , the deepest , the most important significance of what Jesus did then , of what Jesus said then , its not just of the historical account , but that he is able and willing to say and to do exactly the same today in your experience and in mine , what he did for that man on the cross he 's ready and willing to do for every one of us the incident may of happened nineteen hundred years ago , but there 's the old hymn , the verse reminds us , picks out that very story and it says the dying thief rejoiced to see that fountain in his day and there may I , though via us he wash all my sins away , and that verse from William Cowper 's hymn , it takes up that great historical event , that tremendous happening in that man 's life and he links it with a present and it applies it to you and to me and says this can be our experience as well .
4 She meant it as a compliment but it made me sound like her GP .
5 twenty five minutes in a car and it takes you about an , an hour on the bus .
6 It rolled into a hollow and it took me half an hour to get it one yard back onto the road .
7 I was just a boy and it affected me deeply .
8 I mean they do n't put , they do n't , I understand in , in , when you 've got your own business like Brad and them , well our Joe ca n't be hard up he does a job and it brings him thirty grand in
9 He 's declaring that he 's using a taxi and it costs him a hundred and sixty pound a month , every day back and forwards to work , well everyone knows that 's a lie cos she takes him to work
10 I noticed Nick Faldo was pulling a trolley and it made me curious .
11 She thought he was throwing her a sop and it steeled her .
12 With the old method it would take you hours looking through files , but with the computer you just push a button and it tells you right away .
13 You get wee hooks and you hang them up and they stick there right , and just put your cups on it in a row and it gives you more room on the table .
14 I read about it in a book and it reminded me of her .
15 There is still a bus and it takes us to that hotel on the port .
16 ‘ We saw each other around quite a lot but it took me a while to warm up .
17 And er I started er with a doll , my father bought me a doll and it taught me how to er dress me .
18 Dropped a tile and it pierced it right the way through .
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